Impact of Out-of-Pocket Expenditures on Families and Barriers to Use of Maternal and Child Health Services in Bangladesh: Findings from the ADB RETA-6515 Study

Publication | December 2012

This brief finds that the low level of spending by the government imposes a substantial part of the costs of delivering public services on mothers and children. This discourages access by the poor.

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Bangladesh has made substantial progress since the 1970s in expanding access to healthcare services and in reducing fertility and child mortality. However, despite substantial gains in child and overall health, most mothers give birth outside health facilities, and many sick children do not receive appropriate medical care.

This summary brief examines the impact of out-of-pocket spending for maternal and child services in Bangladesh based on several studies including analyses of national household expenditure surveys, a national survey of public sector facility costs, and an exit survey on out-of-pocket expenses faced by public sector patients.

Additional Details

  • Health
  • Maternal and child health
  • Bangladesh
  • ARM125144-3

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