Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Grassland and Livestock Management in Mongolia

Publication | May 2013

Mongolia has made significant progress in identifying the technical, institutional, and policy dimensions for nationally appropriate mitigation actions.

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Mongolia has made relatively minor contributions to global climate change, although its emissions per capita are relatively high and continuing to rise. In 2006, Mongolia's total net (sources minus sinks) greenhouse gas emissions were approximately 15.6 million tons carbon dioxide equivalent. Emissions come primarily from the energy (65.4%) and agriculture (34.3%) sectors. Most agricultural emissions are from livestock. In addition, peatland conversion and degradation are also likely large emission sources. Climate change is acknowledged as a significant threat to Mongolia's fragile environment, economic growth, and sustainable development. Given the negative impact of climate change on Mongolia, it is crucial to select mitigation actions that reduce vulnerability to climate change, support the achievement of national development goals, and are feasible given local constraints.

Key Points

  • Mongolia's total emissions are low, but its emissions per capita are relatively high and rising.
  • Mongolia's greenhouse gas emissions are produced primarily by the energy and agriculture sectors.
  • Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) can help provide access to international financing for sustainable low-carbon development.
  • Mongolia's NAMA for the management of its grassland and livestock sectors should be based on its National Livestock Program.
  • Implementation of Mongolia's NAMAs should be phased, with three categories of activities - quick wins, fast-tracked actions, and key medium-term actions.
  • Mongolia needs to develop a credible measurement, reporting, and verification system; strengthen its legal regulations, policies, and institutional coordination; and consult with stakeholders to finalize this draft NAMA.
  • A NAMA for the grassland and livestock sector will help Mongolia combat desertification and achieve its green development goals.

Additional Details

  • Agriculture and natural resources
  • Climate resilience and environmental sustainability
  • Climate change
  • Environment
  • Environmental policy and legislation
  • Natural resources conservation
  • Mongolia
  • ABF135651
  • 978-92-9254-123-1 (Print)
  • 978-92-9254-124-8 (Web)
  • 2071-7202 (Print)
  • 2218-2675 (Web)

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