Accelerating Progress in Gender Equality
Providing equal access to economic opportunities for men and women is essential to ensure a sustainable and thriving economy. Tackling gender inequality is a complex, long-term challenge that requires broad social engagement, in addition to economic opportunities, access to land, financial instruments, and information and communication technology tools. The Capacity Building and Training Department will scale up support for gender equality by concentrating on economically helping women, pursuing gender equality in human development, enhancing gender equality in decision making among leaders, reducing women’s time poverty, and strengthening women’s resilience to external shocks.
Applying a Gender Lens to Transport Sector Public–Private Partnerships to Enhance the Delivery of Infrastructure Services
This online workshop will explore the intersection of gender equality and public-private partnerships from the example of transport sector and facilitate dialogue on adapting these strategies to other infrastructure sectors.Across Borders: A Global Synthesis of Latest WASH Research (World Water Week 2024 Online Session)
The session reviews research and strategies for sustainable Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions since interventions are crucial for health and development, facing challenges like climate change.Special Issue Launch: “Linking Farmers to Markets: Barriers, Solutions, and Policy Options”
Hosted by ADBI, this webinar will highlight key takeaways from the Special Issue on “Linking Farmers to Markets: Barriers, Solutions, and Policy Options”, which is recently published in the Economic Analysis and Policy (EAP) journal.Deep Dive Workshop on Gender Inclusive Clean Energy Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty at Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) 2024
ADBI organizes the Deep Dive Workshop (DDW) session as part of the Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF). ACEF is an important event focusing on energy and the environment, with emphasis on the intersection of gender and energy. It brings together over 1,000 energy experts, including government representatives from developing member countries. The DDW session serves as a platform for in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing on key topics related to clean energy and gender. It explores issues such as women's access to clean energy, their participation in renewable energy entrepreneurship, and the disparities in energy consumption patterns.Policy Dialogue on Enhancing Pacific Ecosystems for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The policy dialogue aims to disseminate the research findings from the first phase of the ADBI-GAI-FDC project on “Mapping the Ecosystem for Small Firm Digitalization in Pacific Island Countries” and discuss the pilot interventions for Phase 2 of the project to seek feedback and support from a diverse group of Pacific stakeholders. This conference is designed to foster collaboration and innovation, driving positive change in the Pacific region’s digital economy and entrepreneurship landscape.4th Annual Forum on Expanding Women’s Participation in Asian and Pacific Economies: Investing in Childcare
The annual forum will bring together experts from international organizations, academia, and policy makers from developing member countries across the region to discuss policy recommendations and share country experiences. Sessions will explore financing options to accelerate public and private investment in childcare, policies to increase accessibility and quality, and innovative childcare models.
Online Workshop on Globalization and Equality in Asia
This online workshop will draw upon research exploring relationship between globalization and equality using an econometric approach, as well as examining the impact of globalization from country-level and cross-country-level perspectives.Доступ домохозяйств и общин к энергии в Ферганской долине – многомерная оценка на основе опросов в трех странах ЦАРЭС
Институт ЦАРЭС, Институт Азиатского банка развития совместно с Исследовательским институтом «Общественное мнение» провели опросы населения в трех странах ЦАРЭС: Кыргызстан, Таджикистан, Узбекистан. Общая выборка исследования – 1522 респондентов. Опрашивались члены домохозяйств, принимающих решение в финансовых и бытовых вопросах ДХ. На семинаре будут презентованы результаты социологического опроса, проведенного в Кыргызской Республике, в Таджикистане и Узбекистане.Journal Special Issue Launch: Rural and Agricultural Development in the Digital Age
Hosted by ADBI, this webinar will highlight key takeaways from the Special Issue on “Rural and Agricultural Development in the Digital Age”, which is recently published in the Review of Development Economics (RDE) journal.Journal Special Issue Launch Webinar: Farmers’ Organizations and Sustainable Development
This webinar will highlight key takeaways from a new special issue of the journal Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics on farmers’ organizations and sustainable development, coedited by Wanglin Ma, Marco Marini and ADBI’s Dil Rahut
Gender Perspective of Globalization and Human Development: Evidence from Individual-Level Data
Sociocultural globalization and environmental globalization have a positive impact on human development at the individual level.
Eliminating Gender Disparities in Firm Performance in India: Can Globalization Bridge the Gap?
Women-led firms in India exhibit superior performance in terms of higher mean labor productivity than men-led firms.
Ring of Progress: Examining the Impact of the Intensity of Mobile Phone Use on Female Labor Force Participation in India
Mobile phone use has been instrumental in improving development outcomes globally.
Gendered Impacts of Climate Change and Policy Levers to Address Them
Women face institutional barriers, social and economic marginalization, and physiological pressures that increase their vulnerability to climate change.
Examining the Perception of Women’s Role in India’s Blue Economy: A Systematic Literature Review
In India, the perception of women’s employment and leadership may be biased due to historical ignorance of women’s abilities, the diversity of sociopolitical systems, and the gradual disintegration of social structures.
A Statistical Portrait of the Indian Female Labor Force
The female labor force participation rate in India has seen a declining trend since the 1990s despite strong economic growth, decline in fertility, expansion of education, and improved access to infrastructure
Women’s Economic Empowerment as a Pathway Toward Sustainable and Inclusive Development in India
The unequal burden of care work is a significant structural barrier preventing women from joining the formal workforce in developing and developed countries. -
Pathways through the Pandemic: Ways in Which Women Fared in South and Southeast Asia
Women around the world were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, both economically and socially. -
Gender Differences in Preferences for Non-Pecuniary Benefits in the Labor Market: Experimental Evidence from an Online Freelancing Platform
Flexible jobs receive 24% more female applications and 12% more male applications compared to inflexible jobs.
Gender, Entrepreneurship and Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of GoFood Merchants in Indonesia
Online platforms provide an opportunity for businesses to sell their products to a larger consumer base.