Babken Babajanian

Babken Babajanian

Social Development Specialist (Social Protection)
Human and Social Development Sector Office (SG-HSD)
Sectors Group (SG)

Babken (Bob) is Social Development Specialist (Social Protection) in ADB’s Social Development Practice Team. He is experienced in policy-oriented research, analysis and operational work in social protection, social development, and local governance. He previously worked at HelpAge International, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and the World Bank. He was also professional lecturer at the London School of Economics (LSE), where he designed and taught post-graduate courses on Design and Delivery of Social Protection and Evidence-Informed Policy Design. He has a PhD in Social Policy from LSE.


  • | Papers and Briefs | Economics Working Papers

    Citizen Empowerment in Service Delivery

    This paper examines different approaches for promoting empowerment and discusses conditions required for effective empowerment. It focuses on grievance redress, participatory performance monitoring, and community-driven development.


  • | Books

    Social Protection for Older Persons: Social Pensions in Asia

    This publication aims to address the knowledge gap of social pension reform in Asia and the Pacific. It examines what has been learned from programs operating in different countries, and highlights key policy and budgetary issues that arise.