Francesco Tornieri

Francesco Tornieri

Principal Social Development Specialist (Social Inclusion)
Sectors Group (SG)

Francesco, with 25+ years in multilateral development banks, specializes in social development, gender equality, and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI). At ADB, he pioneered GESI-responsive governance, policy, legal reform, and empowerment initiatives in Asia and the Pacific, leading initiatives like Inclusive Energy Solutions and We-POWER in South Asia. Until 2023, served as GESI and CSO/NGO Focal in the South Asia Department (SARD), spearheading the SARD GESI Framework (2023), advocating for addressing intersecting disadvantaged identities, like old age, disability, and SOGI, for greater operational impact. Currently, he's finalizing the ADB Roadmap for SOGI Inclusion and leading its operationalization. Pre-ADB, he oversaw the Gender and Law Program at the World Bank's Africa Region (1996-2004), integrating GESI across sectors.


  • | News from Country Offices

    Bhutan Gains Ground on Gender Equality But Challenges Remain in Key Areas

    Bhutan’s drive for gender equality has made good headway in recent decades but the country’s women still lag men in many areas, including in tertiary education, employment, and leadership posts in government, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report.