Validation Plan for the Bhutan Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2019–2023
The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) validated the final review of the country partnership strategy (CPS) for Bhutan, 2019–2023. It followed established guidelines and covered Asian Development Bank (ADB) lending and nonlending operations in Bhutan during 2019–2023. The validation analysis was based on information presented in the CPS final review. The analysis was supplemented by evidence gathered through document reviews, portfolio data analysis, interviews with project stakeholders, and a survey of ADB project staff and government officials. The validation concurs with the CPSFR assessment of ADB’s performance as satisfactory, highlighting ADB's adaptability to the government's requirements, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite some delays, the ADB effectively adjusted its programs to support the government, aided by increased funding, and is deemed prompt in assisting Bhutan’s recovery post-pandemic.