Validation of Turkmenistan Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2017–2023

Evaluation Document | 20 October 2023
Validation of Turkmenistan Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2017–2023

The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) prepared this report to validate the Turkmenistan country partnership strategy final review (CPSFR), 2017–mid-2022. The CPSFR was prepared by ADB’s Central and West Asia Department (CWRD) and is a final review of the country partnership strategy (CPS), originally for the period 2017–2021 but extended until the end of 2023.  

The validation covered ADB lending and non-lending operations in Turkmenistan that were approved, completed, or ongoing during CPS implementation (2017–2022). These operations included two loans and seven technical assistance (TA) projects. There were no nonsovereign operations during the CPS period. ADB’s country program—the active portfolio during the validation period—had total approved financing of $629.5 million. Energy projects (79.9% of the portfolio) and transport projects (20%) comprised the bulk of the program. 

In addition to validating the findings and assessment of the CPSFR, this report aims to identify lessons and issues during CPS implementation and provide recommendations for the next CPS, 2024–2028. It assesses loan projects and technical assistance (TA) approved or implemented during 2017 to mid-2022. The report is based on existing guidelines on CPS final review validation.