2018 Highlights

Official and Other Concessional Cofinancing

Official and other concessional cofinancing for both investment projects and technical assistance attained a record high of $7.19 billion in 2018. Learn more.

Partnerships at a Glance


increase in total ADB operations

FROM $31.82 billion 2017
TO $35.82 billion 2018

increase in official and other concessional cofinancing (excluding cofinancing for technical assistance)

FROM $6.05 billion 2017
TO $7.06 billion 2018

increase in commercial cofinancing commitments

FROM $5.76 billion 2017
TO $6.81 billion 2018

increase in cofinancing for technical assistance

FROM $109 million 2017
TO $130 million 2018

increase in number of projects involving official and other concessional cofinancing

FROM 135 projects 2017
TO 161 projects 2018

2018 ADB Commitments

Who cofinanced the most?

Where did the funds go?

Top Developing Member Countries

The top 10 developing member countries that received cofinancing in 2018 accounted for 93% of the year’s cofinancing commitments.

Bangladesh, Georgia, Indonesia, and Uzbekistan each received over $1 billion in cofinancing.

Where did the Funds go?

By Region

In 2018, cofinancing commitments for Central and West Asia almost tripled its volume with a 171% increase while those for East Asia rose by 27%.

Click on the regions to see additional information.

How Were the Funds Distributed?

By Sectors

How Were the Funds Distributed?

By Product and Type of Assistance

Investment Projects vs.
Technical Assistance

Investment Projects $7.06 billion | 62 projects

Technical Assistance $130 million | 99 projects

Of the $7.19 billion in commitments in 2018, $7.06 billion (98%) was for investment project cofinancing and $130 million (2%) for technical assistance cofinancing.

Loans vs.

Loan and Equity Cofinancing $6.32 billion | 29 projects

Grant Cofinancing for
Investment Projects
$736.30 million | 38 projects

Grant Cofinancing for
Technical Assistance
$130 million | 99 projects

Loan and equity cofinancing accounted for 88%, grant cofinancing for investment projects for 10%, and grant cofinancing for technical assistance for 2%.

Project-Specific vs.
Trust Fund Cofinancing

Trust Fund $449.05 million | 96 projects

Project-Specific Cofinancing $6.74 billion | 75 projects

Project-specific cofinancing made up 94% of the 2018 total, while trust fund cofinancing peaked at 6%.

Source: ADB

New resources for 2018

Trust Fund New Contributions and Replenishments

New resources for 2018

Global Funds Allocation
