Time of Event

Day 1: 09:30–18:00 Singapore Standard Time
Day 2: 10:00–12:40 Singapore Standard Time


Asian countries have witnessed rapid adoption of digital technologies in pursuing economic growth. However, this adoption has not resulted in convergence due to the region’s heterogeneous economic, social, and political landscape and regulatory frameworks. This book, Digital Transformation for Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Asia, highlights the multifaceted relations between digital connectivity, economic growth, and sustainability in the modern interconnected world. It deals with the status of the digital divide and impediments to cross-border digital connectivity, digital transformation for sustainability, the rapid innovation and diffusion of digital technologies that transform the social and environmental structure and functioning, digital finance for resilience and prosperity, and global trade and connectivity. 

To harness digitalization’s full potential and ensure equitable benefits, basic infrastructure for digital technologies, energy resources, and education is required. Therefore, a holistic approach that considers education, skills development, policy frameworks, and international collaboration is essential. 

  • Analyze the status of the digital divide and impediments to cross-border digital connectivity
  • Discuss the impact of digital transformation on society and the environment, including agriculture, buildings, food, energy, and land use
  • Provide suggestions to overcome nonfinancial barriers in order to bridge the digital divide.
Target Participants
  • Experts from international organizations, academia, research institutions, think tanks, the private sector, and interested members of the public.
  • A greater understanding of the relationship between digitalization and climate change mitigation across sectors
  • Facilitate productive discussions on the digital divide within and among countries
  • Share knowledge to harness digitalization’s full potential and ensure equitable benefits
How to Register

By invitation or prior arrangement with ADBI

  • Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) at the National
  • University of Singapore (NUS)

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