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Time of Event
17:00–17:45 Tokyo time
This online event will introduce ThinkAsia, a new global knowledge hub for sustainable development.
A free-to-use, mobile-responsive website, ThinkAsia brings together the latest research, news, and events from across the world. Hosted by ADBI, this new platform is open to think tanks, universities, and other organizations working in sustainable development to become community partners and share their latest research and upcoming events.
ADBI Dean Tetsushi Sonobe will explain ThinkAsia’s vision for amplifying events and research on sustainable development policy and how it can support organizations and think tanks across the world to expand the reach of their ideas. The launch event will also feature representatives from participating partner think tanks who will highlight the benefits of participating in ThinkAsia.
There will be a Q&A session for participants to better understand this innovative and useful tool and how those interested in advancing sustainable development can join ThinkAsia.