Biographies of the Speakers Click to view
Time of Event
Day 1: 11:00–14:15 Tokyo time
Day 2: 13:00–15:05 Tokyo time
The globalization of economic activities through an expansion in the cross-border movement of goods, services, capital, data, and people has contributed to the economic growth of many countries and economies in the world, particularly in Asia. Globalization has contributed to improving the allocation of resources, such as labor and capital, and increasing productivity through intensified competition and technology transfer. Despite these beneficial impacts of globalization, negative impacts of globalization have emerged, resulting in the anti-globalization movement. Among the negative impacts, those on equality and the environment have received the most attention.
This project focuses on the impact of globalization on equality. With regard to the globalization of firm activities, equality may be considered in several forms, including the wage gaps between those workers employed by foreign and local firms, and those employed by firms engaged in foreign trade and those employed by firms not engaged in foreign trade. In addition, the impact of globalization on equality in terms of workers’ intrinsic characteristics, such as their skill levels, gender, age, etc., is very important.
Previous studies have shown mixed results on the impact of globalization on equality. Examining the country-level effects of globalization can help to identify policy needs for ensuring that the globalization of economic activities through the greater cross-border movement of goods, services, capital, data, and people contributes to inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
This online workshop will draw upon research exploring the relationship between globalization and equality using an econometric approach, as well as examine the impact of globalization from country-level and cross-country-level perspectives.
- Examine the country-level effects of globalization on equality
- Identify possible policies that could contribute to reducing inequality
Target Participants
- Experts and policy makers from academia, think tanks, universities, and international organizations
- Greater understanding of the impact of globalization on equality/inequality in Asia and the Pacific
- Identification of strategies and approaches for reducing inequality in the region
- Research proposals featured in the workshop will be considered for publication in an ADBI book or as ADBI working papers
How to Register
- By invitation or prior arrangement with ADBI