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Time of Event
10:00–11:00 Japan Standard Time
Countries in Asia and the Pacific have committed to developing climate actions and scaling up climate finance to respond to the climate emergency and achieve low-carbon development. Yet, the region needs substantial finance to realize these goals.
Public sector financing will not be enough to generate the necessary investment to (i) address the physical risks and promote climate adaptation while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions or (ii) address the transition risks and support low-carbon development. To close this gap, governments must tap into private investments to scale up climate finance. Investors, therefore, need to know which corporations are climate-friendly and understand the opportunities so they can direct their investments to where they would be the most impactful for responding to climate change and building a path toward carbon neutrality. This requires high-quality climate-related information disclosure by corporates.
Episode 5 of the Webinar Series on the Economics of Climate Change will highlight the centrality of sustainability reporting from enterprises to respond to climate change and reduce GHG emissions. It will present the key concepts of corporate climate disclosure, such as transition risks, physical risks, and net-zero carbon neutrality. It will also give an overview of existing standards, such as those of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), GHG emissions tracking, and the key challenges companies face in implementing climate disclosure and strategies to help them with this transition. Finally, a country case study will lay out actions and best practices by financial regulators to design adequate regulatory frameworks for promoting ambitious climate disclosure.
- Enhance understanding of the importance of corporate climate disclosure, including transition risks, physical risks, and net-zero carbon neutrality
- Promote appropriate policy actions by financial regulators to adopt standards (e.g., TCFD Recommendations and ISSB Standards) to scale up climate finance while ensuring financial stability
Target Participants
- Policy makers and regulators from Asian Development Bank member economies
- Experts from international organizations, the private sector, academia, and think tanks
- Interested members of the public
- Increased awareness on the centrality of corporate climate-related information disclosure
- Policy dialogue and networking among various government institutions, regulators, the private sector, and international organizations on designing adequate regulatory framework to promote ambitious climate disclosure and how companies can gradually implement these into their practices