F. Cleo Kawawaki, Head of ADB’s Office of Markets Development and Public-Private Partnerships, discusses how quality investments can be achieved through PPPs.


The COVID-19 pandemic made it even more apparent that having quality infrastructure made the difference in lives, health, and livelihood. Asia’s infrastructure requirements are estimated at over $1.7 trillion a year until at least 2030. This is a daunting amount which has been made even more difficult by the fiscal impact of the pandemic and inflation. More than ever there is a need to leverage every cent available to build back better. How can value for money be achieved?

For some projects, the efficiency and new technology of the private sector can be harnessed through public-private partnerships to deliver public infrastructure assets and services faster, better, and cheaper. When done right there are huge benefits but it’s a bit complicated. The risks and rewards must be balanced between the government and private sector as partners. Some risks may need to be mitigated to be acceptable to the private sector.

ADB's Office of Public-Private Partnership supports its client in developing the enabling environment, in selecting the right projects, by advising on the transaction and even monitoring to make sure what is agreed is delivered. We have built our track record as honest brokers and have a healthy portfolio with climate change and gender action incorporated.  

With the OneADB team we have technical assistance, advisory, sovereign and private loans, and guarantees under one roof. I’m Cleo Kawawaki, inviting you to partner with us to get the most bang out of your investment.