India : Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2

Sovereign Project | 38272-033

Project 2 will develop improve water supply infrastructures to cater for the demand up to 2026 at the government service standards in Almora, Dehradun, Haldwani, Nainital, Pithoragarh, Ramnagar, and Rookee, and sewerage infrastructures to cater for needs up to 2026 in Ramnagar and Rookee. The works in Dehradun and Nainital is continuation of project 1.

Project Details

  • Project Officer
    Dasgupta, Saugata
    South Asia Department
    Request for information
  • Country/Economy
  • Modality
  • Sector
    • Water and other urban infrastructure and services
Project Name
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2
Project Number
Country / Economy
  • India
Project Status
Project Type / Modality of Assistance
  • Loan
Source of Funding / Amount
Loan 2797-IND: Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program -Tranche 2
Source Amount
Ordinary capital resources US$ 100.00 million
Strategic Agendas
  • Environmentally sustainable growth
  • Inclusive economic growth
Drivers of Change
  • Gender Equity and Mainstreaming
Sector / Subsector
  • Water and other urban infrastructure and services / Urban sewerage - Urban water supply

Effective gender mainstreaming
Project 2 will develop improve water supply infrastructures to cater for the demand up to 2026 at the government service standards in Almora, Dehradun, Haldwani, Nainital, Pithoragarh, Ramnagar, and Rookee, and sewerage infrastructures to cater for needs up to 2026 in Ramnagar and Rookee. The works in Dehradun and Nainital is continuation of project 1.
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy

Dehradun, Haldwani, Nainital, Ramnagar, and Rookee are the largest cities in Uttarakhand. However, water supply and sewerage service levels are not only below the national standards but also the national averages in may of the benchmarks.

The national targets for water supply coverage is between 94% and 100%, at per capita supply level at 135 litter for 24 house , with physical loss at 20%.

The national average for water supply coverage is 81%, at per capita supply level at 123 litter for 4 house , with physical loss at 25%.

- In Dehradun, water supply coverage is 99%, at per capita supply level at 114 litter for 8 house , with physical loss at 40%.

- In Haldwani, water supply coverage is 54%, at per capita supply level at 90 litter for 5 house , with physical loss at 44%.

- In Nainital, water supply coverage is 59%, at per capita supply level at 92 litter for 6 house , with physical loss at 39%.

- In Ramnagar, water supply coverage is 57%, at per capita supply level at 103 litter for 5 house , with physical loss at 40%.

- In Rookee, water supply coverage is 67%, at per capita supply level at 85 litter for 2 house , with physical loss at 60%. Sewerage coverage is 24% but not sewage treatment is inadequate.

These towns are not able to sustain the key urban services because of the core problem that is, the infrastructure is not adequate in terms of size and condition. This is mainly attributed to inadequate new investment and O&M.


People, especially vulnerable households, will have increased access to better quality and sustainable urban infrastructure and services in 31 urban towns.

Project Outcome

Description of Outcome

UDD and UUDSA provide improved urban services in 5 towns.

Progress Toward Outcome
Capacity building activities for PIU and PMU staff recently conducted in water supply operations and gender sensitive municipal services planning and provision.

Implementation Progress

Description of Project Outputs

1. Water supply infrastructure rehabilitated and constructed in Dehradun, Nainital, Haldwani, Ramnagar and Roorkee.

2. Sewerage infrastructure rehabilitated and constructed in Roorkee and designed for Ramnagar.

3. Performance of water supply operations improved in Nainital.

4. PMU and PIU's subproject management capacity and transparency strengthened.

Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues)

Contract award and disbursement achievement has been varied during the project period, and have been achieved in some years.

Project information disclosed on EA website, and annual audit reports prepared and disclosed.

Training programs are regularly conducted to train and update staff on ADB policies and procedures.

4 WTPs taken up in Dehradun and Ramnagar under the project, with cumulative 61.5 MLD capacity, have been completed.

About 40,000 new piped water supply connections provided to date.

449 Km of water supply pipelines laid to date. Works ongoing.

NRW being progressively reduced, exact figures to be ascertained at the PCR preparation stage.

Adequate O&M staff have been deputed by line agency.

Water meters are being installed in Nainital for levying volumetric charges.

74 km sewer lines laid to date. Works ongoing.

Geographical Location
Dehradun, Haldwani, Nainital, Ramnagar, Roorkee

Safeguard Categories

Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples

Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects

Environmental Aspects
Most adverse environmental impacts associated with construction can be mitigated. IEEs include environmental management plans, which identify adequate mitigation measures.
Involuntary Resettlement
No land acquisition is required for project 2. Resettlement plans detail assistance and compensation required to address temporary impacts associated with rehabilitation and laying of pipes.
Indigenous Peoples
No indigenous peoples were identified in project 2 sites and these are supported by census data and confirmed through focus group discussions and census surveys subproject preparation.

Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation

During Project Design

Public consultation has been conducted to understand the local issues and public views regarding the overall project and possible impacts in Dehradun, Haldwani, Nainital, Ramnagar, and Rookee. Participation, consultation and informational dissemination were incorporated at several levels during planning of the project (i) while conducting poverty and social assessments in communities along the water supply subproject; (ii) validating principles on which entitlements for compensation levels specified; (iii) minimizing the potential adverse impact.

Following the subproject selection criteria, the subproject designs were discussed by the town level committees of the respective towns. A town-committee comprises Mayor or Chairperson, Executive Engineer of local PIU, Municipal Commissioner, Line Agencies' Representatives and NGO and Civil Societies.

During Project Implementation

A consultation and participation plan for project 2 was prepared. It plans:

- Project orientation workshop for government officials, officers, and staff of PMU, PIU, PMC, DSC, and CAPP-NGOs on tranche 2

- Four project awareness-raising seminars for the community in each project town for the duration of tranche 2

- Five consultation meetings with potential affected persons in the sewerage subproject in Ramnagar (for tranche 3 financing)

- One consultation workshop with the academia, NGOs, and other civil society organizations

- Strategic and Action Planning Workshop

- UUSDA general body meeting

- Quarterly PMU Monitoring Meetings

- Quarterly PIU (per project town) monitoring meetings

- Quarterly Town Committee Meetings

- Participatory monitoring meetings with community watchdogs

- Two technical trainings on O&M of water supply and sanitation in Nainital

Business Opportunities

Consulting Services
Project 2 will finance the extended period of the existing three consultant contracts (one for investment program management, and two for design and construction supervision) from January 2013 to December 2014, subject to ADB's approval of contract extension. These consultants were engaged in 2008 in accordance with the ADB's Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2007, as amended from time to time). There will be a new team of consultants which will be recruited for operations management of water supply systems in Nainital, in accordance with the ADB's Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2010, as amended from time to time).
All procurement of goods and works will be undertaken in accordance with ADB's Procurement Guidelines (2010, as amended from time to time). The procedures and modes as agreed and used under project 1 are in compliance with ADB's Procurement Guidelines (2010, as amended from time to time). The standard bidding documents and procurement procedures, as used for NCB under project 2, [was] reviewed and approved by ADB.


Responsible ADB Officer
Dasgupta, Saugata
Responsible ADB Department
South Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division
India Resident Mission (INRM)
Executing Agencies
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Agency


Concept Clearance
Fact Finding
03 Nov 2011
Last Review Mission
Last PDS Update
22 Mar 2018


Loan 2797-IND

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date Closing
Original Revised Actual
03 Nov 2011 31 Jan 2013 15 Apr 2013 31 Dec 2015 23 Jan 2018 09 Aug 2018
Financing Plan
  Total (Amount in US$ million)
Project Cost 142.85
ADB 100.00
Counterpart 42.85
Cofinancing 0.00
Loan Utilization
  Date ADB Others Net Percentage
Cumulative Contract Awards 17 Jun 2022 50.20 0.00 100%
Cumulative Disbursements 17 Jun 2022 50.20 0.00 100%
Status of Covenants
Category Sector Safeguards Social Financial Economic Others
Rating - Satisfactory - - - -

Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to development effectiveness. It establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced.

The Accountability Mechanism provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance of ADB's operational policies and procedures.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Title Document Type Document Date
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2 and Multitranche Financing Facility: Program Completion Report Project/Program Completion Reports Oct 2021
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 2: Procurement Plan Procurement Plans Aug 2017
Loan Agreement for Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 2 Loan Agreement (Ordinary Resources) Jan 2013
Project Agreement for Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 2 Project/Program Agreements Jan 2013
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2 Design and Monitoring Frameworks Aug 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Sub-project Appraisal Report (Haldwani) Documents Produced Under Grant/Loans/TA Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Sub-project Appraisal Report (Roorkee Sewerage) Documents Produced Under Grant/Loans/TA Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Sub-project Appraisal Report (Nainital) Documents Produced Under Grant/Loans/TA Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Sub-project Appraisal Report (Dehradun) Documents Produced Under Grant/Loans/TA Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Sub-project Appraisal Report (Roorkee Water Supply) Documents Produced Under Grant/Loans/TA Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Sub-project Appraisal Report (Ramnagar) Documents Produced Under Grant/Loans/TA Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Update of Urban Governance and Service Delivery Improvement Action Plan Documents Produced Under Grant/Loans/TA Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Sub-project Appraisal Report (Dehradun) Documents Produced Under Grant/Loans/TA Jun 2011

Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.

Title Document Type Document Date
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Projects 1 and 2: Environmental Monitoring Report (January 2018-June 2019) Environmental Monitoring Reports Aug 2020
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2017) Social Monitoring Reports Sep 2018
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Social Monitoring Report (July-December 2016) Social Monitoring Reports Sep 2018
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Projects 1 and 2: Environmental Monitoring Report (July-December 2017) Environmental Monitoring Reports Apr 2018
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Investment Program - Tranche 2: Dehradun Water Supply Subproject Initial Environmental Examination Environmental Assessment and Measures Dec 2017
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Projects 1 and 2: Environmental Monitoring Report (January-June 2017) Environmental Monitoring Reports Dec 2017
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Projects 1 and 2: Environmental Monitoring Report (July-December 2016) Environmental Monitoring Reports Jul 2017
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Roorkee Waste Water Management System Subproject Resettlement Plan Resettlement Plans Feb 2017
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Projects 1 and 2: Environmental Monitoring Report (July 2014-December 2015) Environmental Monitoring Reports Jan 2017
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Projects 1 and 2: Environmental Monitoring Report (January-June 2016) Environmental Monitoring Reports Jan 2017
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2016) Social Monitoring Reports Nov 2016
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Investment Program - Tranche 2: Roorkee Sewerage Subproject Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Nov 2016
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Investment Program - Tranche 2: Roorkee Water Supply Subproject Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Jun 2016
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Investment Program - Tranche 2: Dehradun Water Supply Subproject Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Jun 2016
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Social Monitoring Report (October-December 2015) Social Monitoring Reports Mar 2016
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 2: Social Monitoring Report (July–September 2015) Social Monitoring Reports Dec 2015
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 2: Social Monitoring Report (April-June 2015) Social Monitoring Reports Aug 2015
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Projects 1 and 2: Social Monitoring Report (January-March 2015) Social Monitoring Reports Aug 2015
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Projects 1 and 2: Social Monitoring Report (October-December 2014) Social Monitoring Reports Mar 2015
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 1: Social Monitoring Report (July - September 2014) Social Monitoring Reports Dec 2014
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Projects 1 and 2: Environmental Monitoring Report (April-June 2014) Environmental Monitoring Reports Oct 2014
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 1 & 2: Environmental Monitoring Report (January-March 2014) Environmental Monitoring Reports Jun 2014
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Tranche 2 Environmental Monitoring Reports Apr 2014
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 1 & 2: Social Monitoring Report (July-December 2013) Social Monitoring Reports Jan 2014
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program Environmental Assessment and Review Framework Jul 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program Tranche 2 - Ramnagar Water Supply Distribution System Subproject (Draft) Resettlement Plans Jul 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program (Tranche 2) Combined Resettlement Plan and Indigenous Peoples Plans Jul 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Investment Program: Tranche 2 - Roorkee Sewerage Subproject Initial Environmental Examination Jul 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program Tranche 2 - Nainital Water Supply Distribution System Subproject (Draft) Resettlement Plans Jul 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program Tranche 2 - Roorkee Sewerage System Subproject (Draft) Resettlement Plans Jul 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Investment Program: Tranche 2 - Ramnagar Water Supply Subproject Initial Environmental Examination Jul 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program Tranche 2 - Haldwani Water Supply Distribution System Subproject (Draft) Resettlement Plans Jul 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program Tranche 2 - Dehradun Water Supply Distribution System Subproject (Draft) Resettlement Plans Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Investment Program: Tranche 2 - Haldwani Water Supply Subproject Environmental Assessment and Measures Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Investment Program: Tranche 2 - Dehradun Water Supply Subproject Environmental Assessment and Measures Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program Tranche 2 Indigenous Peoples Planning Frameworks/Indigenous Peoples Development Frameworks Jun 2011
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Investment Program: Tranche 2 - Nainital Water Supply Subproject Environmental Assessment and Measures Jun 2011

Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation

Title Document Type Document Date
India: Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program (Tranche 2 and Multitranche Financing Facility) Validations of Project Completion Reports Dec 2022

Related Publications

None currently available.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced in its operations to facilitate stakeholder participation in ADB's decision-making. For more information, refer to the Safeguard Policy Statement, Operations Manual F1, and Operations Manual L3.

Requests for information may also be directed to the InfoUnit.


No tenders for this project were found.

Contracts Awarded

Contract Title Approval Number Contract Date Contractor | Address Executing Agency Total Contract Amount (US$) Contract Amount Financed by ADB (US$)
Construction of Tubewells, Pumphouses, All Electro-Mechanical Works in Roorkee Loan 2797 28 Mar 2017 Gurnam Singh and Company | 29/1, Industrial Area, Phase II Chandigarh 160002 India Urban Development Department 1,175,439.75 837,445.48
Suppy, Install and Maintain AMR Meters, Handheld Units, Software, Incl 7 Years O&M in Nainital Loan 2797 28 Mar 2017 Chetas Control Systems Pvt. Ltd. | Plot No.1, Survey No.1, Sidhatek Society Sutarwadi, Pashan, Pune411021 India Urban Development Department 1,221,410.75 1,241,927.48
Construction of Tubewell, Pumphouses and Electro-Mechanical Works in Dehradun Loan 2797 28 Mar 2017 Gurnam Singh and Company | 29/1, Industrial Area, Phase II, Chandigarh 160002 India Urban Development Department 1,222,105.67 869,843.85

Procurement Plan

Title Document Type Document Date
Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 2: Procurement Plan Procurement Plans Aug 2017