India : Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1

Sovereign Project | 43253-025

Project Name
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1
Project Number
Country / Economy
  • India
Project Status
Project Type / Modality of Assistance
  • Grant
  • Loan
Source of Funding / Amount
Grant 0399-IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1
Source Amount
Urban Environmental Infrastructure Fund under the Urban Financing Partnership Facility US$ 1.80 million
Loan 3148-IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1
Source Amount
Ordinary capital resources US$ 75.00 million
Strategic Agendas
  • Environmentally sustainable growth
  • Inclusive economic growth
Drivers of Change
  • Gender Equity and Mainstreaming
  • Governance and capacity development
  • Partnerships
  • Private sector development
Sector / Subsector
  • Water and other urban infrastructure and services / Urban policy, institutional and capacity development - Urban sewerage - Urban water supply

Effective gender mainstreaming
Project 1 is representative of subprojects to be financed under the investment program. Under output 1, project 1 will finance Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (UWSS) infrastructure in three towns of the Tungabhadra subbasin: Byadagi, Davangere, and Harihar.
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy

Wide variations exist in coverage in Project 1 urban local bodies (ULBs), ranging from 48% in Harihar to 64% in Byadagi. Use of shared water connections in Project 1 ULBs range from 4% to 13%. About 40% of households in Harihar and Byadagi and 20% to 24% of households in Davangere are dependent on public taps. None of the Project 1 ULBs have a continuous supply of water. The average per capita water consumption in the three project ULBs is as low as 60 liters per capita per day and even lower for below poverty line households. Of the low income households living in slums, 15% are located within the program areas. Baseline survey results indicate that only 54% to 66% of households in the program areas have access to individual toilets. Use of shared toilets is anywhere from 5% to 11%. Open defecation varies from 3% to 41% and access to sewerage systems ranges from 13% to 77%. The baseline results further suggest that the percentage of below poverty line households in Project 1 areas ranges from 17% to 37%, female-headed households from 6% to 11%, and that the percentage of other disadvantaged households is 26%.

Project 1 will provide (i) increased water treatment capacity (15,000 cubic meters per day) and improvements to water supply networks (1,065 km) to ensure comprehensive, efficient and continuous water supply; and (ii) increased wastewater treatment capacity (4 new sewage treatment plants with a total capacity of 48,000 cubic meters per day) and improvements to the sewerage networks (365 km of pipeline and 5,000 pro-poor toilets) to promote environmental protection. Output 2 will support reform implementation and will finance (i) a fraction of the ULB incentive fund, and services to (ii) draft the public standpost guidelines, (iii) prepare selected IT-based modules and pilot them in three selected towns, (iv) assist mainstreaming private sector participation through performance-based contracts in water schemes, and (v) develop and deliver a communication and awareness campaign. Under output 3, it will finance consultancies for project management and design and supervision, as well as capacity development activities to strengthen KUIDFC's financial intermediary mandate and ULBs' administrative functions (through training of over 75 officials).


Improved sustainable water security in the Upper Tunga Bhadra subbasin

Project Outcome

Description of Outcome

Improved water resources management in selected urban areas of the Upper Tunga Bhadra subbasin

Progress Toward Outcome
10 contracts (Water Supply:6, Waste Water: 4) were awarded under the project, out of which 7 contracts (Davangere STP, Byadgi Bulk Water Supply, Harihara town, Byadgi and Davangere Sewerage) are under trial run/commissioning, 2 (Davangere bulk water and Byadgi water distribution) project will be completed by March 2022 and one contract of Davangere water supply will be completed by mid-2022.

Implementation Progress

Description of Project Outputs

Expanded and upgraded UWSS infrastructure in three towns of the Upper Tunga Bhadra subbasin

Improved water resource planning, monitoring, and service delivery

Strengthened operational and administrative capacity of KUIDFC and ULBs

Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues)
Work of rehabilitation and upgradation of water supply system is under progress in Byadgi, Harihara and Davangere. The target of continuous 24*7 water supply will be fully achieved after completion of all water supply related subprojects in the project towns. The target of supplied water meeting national standard will be completed when the water treatment plants will be operationalized. Water Treatment Plant of 40 MLD is nearing completion in Davangere and 20 MLD under commissioning in Harihara. Target of increasing water production and treatment capacity will be met when both the WTPs are operationalized. The work of laying sewer lines in Byadgi, Harihara and Davangere are nearing completion in all respect. Community Water Groups (CWG) has been formed in all he three ULBS. Regular meetings are held with the CWGs to promote water conservation, hygiene, and sanitation. Women participation is highly encouraged. Waste Water treatment plant at Davangere (20 MLD+5 MLD), Harihara (18 MLD) and Byadgi (5 MLD) have been constructed to increase the sewage treatment capacity by 48 MLD. Work of water supply distribution network is under advanced stage. Work of construction of toilets is completed under the OBA Grant 0399-IND. Social & Behavioral Programs conducted. Fund have been established and NRW baseline audit has been completed in all 4 towns Harihara, Byadgi, Davangere and Renebennur. Mapping of existing assets & assets being created under the project is being done in all the 4 towns regularly. Customer database is being regularly updated in all the 4 project towns.IT Module-1 & 2 has been operationalized on flat rate basis in 4 project towns. To better manage service delivery of water services in urban local bodies (ULBs), the State Government has accorded approval of 7 reform guidelines/policies: (a)/guidelines for regularizing unauthorized connections; (b) volumetric tariff determination model; (c) urban watershed management guidelines; (d) guidelines for strategy plan for urban drinking water demand management - public stand post policy; (e) guidelines for water safety plans; (f) monitoring and assessment framework for non-revenue water; and (g) water service charters. All the water supply subprojects are implemented using performance based construct and operator contract. The consultants team mobilized to assess financial intermediation capacity of KUIDFC, submitted revised 'As-is report. KUIDFC is reviewing the findings and preparing for the meetings with senior state officials to discuss options and obtain guidance about the way forward. After obtaining the State Government policy direction, the consultants would carry out focused institutional audit and prepare phase wise transition plan. The consultants team mobilized to assess financial intermediation capacity of KUIDFC, submitted revised 'As-is report. KUIDFC is reviewing the findings and preparing for the meetings with senior state officials to discuss options and obtain guidance about the way forward. After obtaining the State Government policy direction, the consultants would carry out focused institutional audit and prepare phase wise transition plan. Economic, social, gender equality and environmental impact on the subprojects are being monitored and reported to ADB via safeguard and gender reports. Workshops focusing on social and gender issues are being organized for KUIDFC, ULBs, PMU, PIU women and men staff. Project MIS with sex disaggregated data has been developed.3.2(a) Capacity development programs are being developed and trainings are being imparted. Loan was fully utilized by the loan closing date of 30 September 2020.
Geographical Location

Safeguard Categories

Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples

Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects

Environmental Aspects
Initial environmental examinations with environmental management plans were prepared for project 1 in accordance with ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement and government laws. The initial environmental examinations conclude that no significant adverse impact is anticipated as a result of UWSS infrastructure expansion and rehabilitation works proposed in the project 1 towns. It is envisaged that the net environmental benefits to the population of the three towns will be positive and significant as a result of improved (i) water efficiency and security through the implementation of non-revenue water reduction programs; and (ii) river water quality through the expansion of sewerage networks, treatment capacity, and sanitation coverage. The initial environmental examinations outline a grievance redress mechanism to ensure easy and quick redress of any complaints or concerns during project implementation. The environmental management plans provide adequate mitigation measures to address temporary construction impacts, including traffic management, to ensure limited disruption to traffic flow and access.
Involuntary Resettlement
Temporary impacts on loss of income to shop owners, street vendors, and hawkers are envisaged due to construction and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in project towns. A total of 9.09 hectares of private agricultural land was needed to be acquired for the construction of sewage treatment plants in Byadagi and Davengere, impacting 12 landowners. The new service reservoirs, sewage treatment plants, lift stations, and community toilets are located within existing facilities or in government and/or community lands. One voluntary land donation for a sewage lift station in Harihar was identified and Independent third party validation of the donated land was done. 0.74 hectares of land of STP was of farmers which was purchased and transferred to ULB and the report is included in the final Harihar resettlement plan. The final resettlement plans of Byadgi, Harihara and Davangere were prepared upon the completion of detailed design and were updated when required. The Indian Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act is in effect since 1 January 2014.
Indigenous Peoples
Based on socioeconomic surveys, no indigenous people reside in project sites. Improved water supply and sewerage networks will benefit all households equally.

Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation

During Project Design
Information flows will focus on: (i) sharing project information (scope and progress) with decision makers, responsible agencies, consultants and contractors; (ii) explain the project and resolve concerns raised by affected persons; and (iii) involve beneficiaries in field-level monitoring activities. They provide information on: (i) who is responsible to ensure the actions and strategy are implemented, and (ii) what resources are required to implement the plan and strategy.
During Project Implementation
Meaningful and widespread consultation continued throughout implementation. The project has recruited a social development consultant at the regional project management unit who works closely with the poor, the disadvantaged, and women to promote community participation and development. Household level disaggregated data (by ethnicity, sex, and social and economic status) are being collected to inform targeted programming and identify implementation gaps in relation to social inclusion.

Business Opportunities

Consulting Services
All consultants and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) will be financed by the State Government. KUIDFC has long standing experience recruiting and managing consultants. ADB will satisfy itself that recruitment is in line with Clause 1.8 of ADB's Guidelines on the use of Consultants.
All procurement of goods and works will be undertaken in accordance with ADB's Procurement Guidelines (2013, as amended from time to time). The concurred standard bidding documents for national competitive bidding will be applicable for use under all Projects under the Facility. The procurement plan indicates the threshold, mode of procurement and consultant selection, review procedures, and contract packages.


Responsible ADB Officer
Majumder, Sourav
Responsible ADB Department
South Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division
India Resident Mission (INRM)
Executing Agencies
Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation Limited


Concept Clearance
Fact Finding
09 Jul 2013
29 Jul 2014
Last Review Mission
Last PDS Update
14 Dec 2021


Grant 0399-IND

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date Closing
Original Revised Actual
29 Jul 2014 30 Dec 2014 07 May 2015 30 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2021 25 Jan 2022
Financing Plan
  Total (Amount in US$ million)
Project Cost 42.00
ADB 0.00
Counterpart 40.20
Cofinancing 1.80
Grant Utilization
  Date ADB Others Net Percentage
Cumulative Contract Awards 29 Jan 2024 0.00 1.26 100%
Cumulative Disbursements 29 Jan 2024 0.00 1.26 100%
Status of Covenants
Category Sector Safeguards Social Financial Economic Others
Rating Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory - - Satisfactory

Loan 3148-IND

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date Closing
Original Revised Actual
29 Jul 2014 30 Dec 2014 07 May 2015 30 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2020 19 Jan 2021
Financing Plan
  Total (Amount in US$ million)
Project Cost 75.00
ADB 75.00
Counterpart 0.00
Cofinancing 0.00
Loan Utilization
  Date ADB Others Net Percentage
Cumulative Contract Awards 29 Jan 2024 75.00 0.00 100%
Cumulative Disbursements 29 Jan 2024 75.00 0.00 100%
Status of Covenants
Category Sector Safeguards Social Financial Economic Others
Rating Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory - - Satisfactory

Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to development effectiveness. It establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced.

The Accountability Mechanism provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance of ADB's operational policies and procedures.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Title Document Type Document Date
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Audited Project Financial Statements (April 2020-March 2021) Audited Project Financial Statements Feb 2022
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Audited Project Financial Statements (April 2019-March 2020) Audited Project Financial Statements Dec 2020
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Audited Project Financial Statements (April 2018-March 2019) Audited Project Financial Statements Sep 2019
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Audited Project Financial Statements (April 2017-March 2018) Audited Project Financial Statements Sep 2018
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Audited Project Financial Statements (1 April 2017 - 31 March 2018) Audited Project Financial Statements Sep 2018
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Audited Project Financial Statements (April 2016-March 2017) Audited Project Financial Statements Sep 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Procurement Plan Procurement Plans Jul 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Audited Project Financial Statements (April 2015-March 2016) Audited Project Financial Statements Sep 2016
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program – Tranche 1: Audited Project Financial Statements (April 2014-March 2015) Audited Project Financial Statements Sep 2015
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Project Data Sheet (हिन्दी) Translated PDS May 2015
Project Agreement for Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Project 1 Project/Program Agreements Dec 2014
Loan Agreement for Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Project 1 Loan Agreement (Ordinary Resources) Dec 2014
Grant Agreement for Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Project 1 Grant Agreement Dec 2014

Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.

Title Document Type Document Date
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt Ltd Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2020) Social Monitoring Reports Oct 2020
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: GkW Consult GmbH Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2020) Social Monitoring Reports Oct 2020
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program – Tranche 1: Health and Safety Plan in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Addendum to the Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Jun 2020
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Social Monitoring Report (July-December 2019) Social Monitoring Reports May 2020
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2019) Social Monitoring Reports May 2020
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt.Ltd Environmental Monitoring Report (July-December 2019) Environmental Monitoring Reports Feb 2020
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: GkW Consult GmbH Environmental Monitoring Report (July-December 2019) Environmental Monitoring Reports Feb 2020
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1:Social Monitoring Report (July-December 2018) Social Monitoring Reports Apr 2019
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Harihara City Sewerage and Sanitation Scheme Final Resettlement Plan Resettlement Plans Oct 2018
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2018) Social Monitoring Reports Aug 2018
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Environmental Monitoring Report (July-December 2017) Environmental Monitoring Reports Aug 2018
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Social Monitoring Report (July-December 2017) Social Monitoring Reports Aug 2018
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Environmental Monitoring Report (January-June 2018) Environmental Monitoring Reports Aug 2018
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Davanagere City Sewerage and Sanitation Scheme for 2 Sewage Treatment Plant Resettlement Plan Resettlement Plans May 2018
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Davangere City Sewerage and Sanitation for 2 Sewage Treatment Plants Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Feb 2018
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Environmental Monitoring Report (January-June 2017) Environmental Monitoring Reports Oct 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2017) Social Monitoring Reports Jul 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Byadagi Bulk Water Supply Subproject Resettlement Due Diligence Report Safeguards Due Diligence Reports Mar 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Davanagere Water Supply Distribution Network Due Diligence Report Safeguards Due Diligence Reports Mar 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Harihara Town Sewerage and Drainage Subproject Resettlement Plan Resettlement Planning Documents Mar 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Harihara Water Supply Distribution System Resettlement Due Diligence Report Safeguards Due Diligence Reports Mar 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Byadagi Water Supply Distribution System Resettlement Due Diligence Report Safeguards Due Diligence Reports Mar 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Davanagere Bulk Water Supply Subproject Resettlement Due Diligence Report Safeguards Due Diligence Reports Mar 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Harihara Bulk Water Supply Resettlement Plan Resettlement Planning Documents Mar 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Environmental Monitoring Report (July-December 2016) Environmental Monitoring Reports Feb 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Initial Environmental Examination for Davanagere City Bulk Water Supply Subproject (Package Number 01WS01) Initial Environmental Examination Jan 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Initial Environmental Examination for Harihara Town Sewerage Scheme Subproject (Package Number 01HRA01) Initial Environmental Examination Jan 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Byadagi Town Sewerage and Drainage Subproject Resettlement Plan Resettlement Planning Documents Jan 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program: Davangere City Bulk Water Supply Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Jan 2017
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Byadgi Sewerage Subproject Updated Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Dec 2016
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Initial Environmental Examination for Byadgi Town Water Supply Subproject (Package Numbers 01WS02 and 01WS03) Initial Environmental Examination Dec 2016
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program: Harihar Updated Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Nov 2016
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report (January-June 2016) Environmental Monitoring Reports Nov 2016
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Davangere City Sewerage and Sanitation Scheme Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Nov 2016
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Initial Environmental Examination for Harihara Water Supply (Package Numbers: 01HAR02 and 01WS04) Initial Environmental Examination Nov 2016
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program – Tranche 1: Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2016) Social Monitoring Reports Aug 2016
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program – Tranche 1: Social Monitoring Report (July-December 2015) Social Monitoring Reports Jan 2016
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program Tranche 1: Byadgi Town Sewerage Subproject Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Dec 2015
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program – Tranche 1: Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2015) Social Monitoring Reports Dec 2015
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report (January-June 2015) Environmental Monitoring Reports Nov 2015
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Byadagi Town Resettlement Plan Resettlement Plans Nov 2015
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Davanagere Town Resettlement Plan Resettlement Plans May 2015
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program (Tranche 1) - Harihara Town (Package No. 01HRH01): Resettlement Plan Resettlement Plans Dec 2014
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Davangere City Sewerage and Sanitation Scheme Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Oct 2014
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Sewerage (Under Ground Drainage) Scheme for Harihara City Municipal Council Initial Environmental Examination Initial Environmental Examination Oct 2014

Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation

None currently available.

Related Publications

None currently available.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced in its operations to facilitate stakeholder participation in ADB's decision-making. For more information, refer to the Safeguard Policy Statement, Operations Manual F1, and Operations Manual L3.

Requests for information may also be directed to the InfoUnit.


Tender Title Type Status Posting Date Deadline
Loan No. 3148-IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1 [01WS05] Invitation for Bids Closed
IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program Advance Notice Archived

Contracts Awarded

Contract Title Approval Number Contract Date Contractor | Address Executing Agency Total Contract Amount (US$) Contract Amount Financed by ADB (US$)
Slice 1: Improvement of Water Supply System (Bulk) in Harihara City Loan 3148 28 Jun 2017 Sheth & Sura Engineers Pvt. Ltd. | Aqua House,262/1,Singagar Road Near Parvati Over Bridge,Pune-411030, India Karnataka Urban Infrast. Dev. and Finance Corp. 3,541,918.00 2,796,303.00

Procurement Plan

Title Document Type Document Date
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program - Tranche 1: Procurement Plan Procurement Plans Jul 2017