Philippines : Promoting Partnerships and Innovation in Poor and Underserved Communities
The grant development objective is to pilot a viable model for strengthening strategic multisectoral partnerships to support the sustainable development of poor and underserved communities that can be replicated in the Philippines and other developing member countries of ADB. Through a focused partnership framework, the grant aims to improve the living conditions of about 5,896 poor families in Southville 7, a low-cost housing project of the National Housing Authority (NHA) in the Municipality of Calauan, Province of Laguna. The development objective will be achieved by: (i) piloting a program for expanding multisectoral partnerships;(ii) improving access to basic services, including economic and livelihood opportunities; (iii) enhancing capacities of residents in community development and social entrepreneurship; and (iv) establishing an effective project management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting system.
Project Details
Project Officer
Thomas, Elaine C.
Southeast Asia Department
Request for information -
Philippines -
- Multisector
- Project Name
- Promoting Partnerships and Innovation in Poor and Underserved Communities
- Project Number
- 45320-001
- Country / Economy
- Philippines
- Project Status
- Closed
- Project Type / Modality of Assistance
- Grant
- Source of Funding / Amount
Grant 9162-PHI: Promoting Partnerships and Innovations in Poor and Underserved Communities Source Amount Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific US$ 1.50 million - Strategic Agendas
- Environmentally sustainable growth
- Inclusive economic growth
- Drivers of Change
- Governance and capacity development
- Partnerships
- Sector / Subsector
Multisector /
- Gender
- Description
- The grant development objective is to pilot a viable model for strengthening strategic multisectoral partnerships to support the sustainable development of poor and underserved communities that can be replicated in the Philippines and other developing member countries of ADB. Through a focused partnership framework, the grant aims to improve the living conditions of about 5,896 poor families in Southville 7, a low-cost housing project of the National Housing Authority (NHA) in the Municipality of Calauan, Province of Laguna. The development objective will be achieved by: (i) piloting a program for expanding multisectoral partnerships;(ii) improving access to basic services, including economic and livelihood opportunities; (iii) enhancing capacities of residents in community development and social entrepreneurship; and (iv) establishing an effective project management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting system.
- Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy
Examples of public-private sector-civil society partnerships for making services accessible to the poor are evolving and generating positive results in a socialized housing project/resettlement site administered by the National Housing Authority (NHA) in the Municipality of Calauan (Province of Laguna). The partnership initiatives have been directed at helping 5,896 families in Sites 1, 2, and 3 of the NHA housing project, collectively referred to as Southville 7. Since it was given by NHA the operation and management responsibilities of Southville 7 in 2009, the ABS-CBN Foundation, Inc. (AFI), a media-based NGO, has successfully mobilized resources for the residents of Southville 7 from 52 partner organizations and individuals. AFI's efforts have resulted in the construction and rehabilitation of 1,500 housing units, recreational facilities, and public market; installation of 14 shallow wells; development and upgrading of Sites 2 and 3; construction of a livelihood and training center; provision of livelihood and training programs to residents; donations of sewing machines, power tools, computers; provision of health facilities and health professionals; and installation of 132 solar street lights. AFI has also been involved in improving educational outcomes in Southville 7 by upgrading school facilities, teacher training, curriculum development, school feeding program, and reading program. Total contributions and donations mobilized by AFI for Southville 7 since 2009 amounted to more than $5.25 million. The magnitude of multisectoral partnerships initiated by AFI in Southville 7 easily stands out among the low-cost housing projects and resettlement sites of NHA in the country.
While significant gains in improving the community and social infrastructure of Southville 7 have been achieved, major challenges remain. According to a recent survey of AFI, 50% of the labor force is unemployed and majority of those who are employed work in Metro Manila. Only 507 or 8.6% of the total families in Southville 7 have electricity in their houses. The residents are exposed to fire and health hazards as kerosene, candles, and firewood are commonly used. Without electricity, the productivity of residents is significantly diminished and economic activities are stifled. Children find it difficult to study at night. Potable water is provided in six water stations in the community and the costs range from $3.30 to $1.09 per cubic meter. On the average, this is 457 % higher than anywhere in the province of Laguna ($0.48 per cubic meter) and 757% higher than Metro Manila ($0.29 per cubic meter). Residents, mostly women, queue for long hours to get water from the existing communal shallow wells, which have been found to be contaminated. Frequent incidences of gastrointestinal and water-borne diseases have been reported. The limited access to clean water has adversely affected the hygiene and sanitation in the community.
The NHA and the Calauan LGU are finding it difficult to cope with meeting the development needs of the Southville 7. Insofar as the 5,896 families in Southville 7 represent a 41% increase in Calauan's population of 14,249 families based on the 2008 census, the total income (which is 81% dependent on national subsidy) of the Calauan LGU has not even been adequate to support the service delivery requirements of its original population.
Another key challenge to Southville 7 residents is the lack of livelihood opportunities in Calauan and neighboring areas. About 45% of the employed residents in Southville 7 work and stay in Metro Manila during weekdays and return to Southville 7 only on weekends. Mothers who are usually left behind in Southville 7 throughout the week have to perform most of the household chores, including getting water from communal sources. While struggling to secure stable sources of income, the poor residents of Southville 7 have to contend with higher costs of basic services spending about 70% of their monthly income on water, energy or fuel requirements for cooking and lighting, and transportation. While some of the Southville 7 residents were beneficiaries of the Government's Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps) or conditional cash transfer (CCT) program in communities where they used to live, their transfer to Calauan excluded them from the program despite still being among the poorest members of the population.
Amidst challenges, the activities and experiences in Southville 7 highlight the benefits and huge potentials of private sector and civil society participation in building communities and improving living conditions. AFI's initiatives in Southville 7 present an innovative and thriving approach for expanding multisectoral partnerships to better respond to the needs of the poor and provide strategic support to sustainable development of many similarly situated communities in the country. Characterized by an integrated and people-centered approach to community building, AFI's work promotes social responsibility, volunteerism, and participatory governance. As AFI expands its resource base and development assistance to Southville 7, the NHA and Calauan LGU does not only want AFI's work scaled up and replicated, but also enhance their capacities as development managers. It is in this context that a demonstration project is proposed to strengthen and sustain public-private sector-civil society partnerships initiated by AFI for empowering communities, enhancing service delivery, and improving the lives of the poor.
The project is consistent with the priorities of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP), 20112016. The PDP emphasizes equitable access to basic social services, particularly for poor and vulnerable groups, and gives priority to proper resettlement of informal settlers. It calls for the integration of basic infrastructure support, such as adequate provision of safe drinking water and electricity to resettlement sites. Key PDP strategies are reflected in the project design. First, the PDP recommends the adoption of community-driven development (CDD) approaches in social development programs and projects, in which local communities take control in planning, implementation, and resource investments. Second, the PDP aims for the convergence of social protection programs in terms of targeting poor beneficiaries and geographic areas, to fully maximize resources and create more impact on beneficiaries. Third, the PDP recognizes the essential role of the private sector as the main engine for economic growth and national development; thus, the government has committed to use private investment for key infrastructure and social services. This demonstration project will pilot a model for partnership building and innovative interventions such as CDD in improving access to basic services in Southville 7.
The project is aligned with the Philippines country assistance program evaluation of ADB which recommends encouraging greater private sector participation in the provision of key infrastructure and basic services through publicprivate partnership (PPPs). The project objectives also sit well with ADB's Strategy 2020, which emphasizes partnership building as a driver of change in reducing poverty and improving living conditions and quality of life. The project's focus on enhancing access by the poor to basic services is consistent with ADB's Country Partnership Strategy 20112016 for the Philippines that includes improved and equitable delivery of basic services as a key development outcome.
- Impact
Strengthened multisectoral partnerships for sustainable development of poor and underserved communities
Project Outcome
- Description of Outcome
Tested an innovative and replicable model of multistakeholder partnerships for improving access of the poor to basic services
- Progress Toward Outcome
- ALKFI presented policies and guidelines for replicating the partnership framework, including the implementation of public"private partnership (PPP) modalities in the community, to the NHA, Calauan LGU, and other government agencies for their consideration. Many communities have been identified for replicating the partnership. However, NHA would like to have resources and new partners confirmed before signing a covenant to replicate the partnership.
Implementation Progress
- Description of Project Outputs
Piloted a program for expanding multisectoral partnership
Implemented a community development and innovation program
Enhanced capacities of residents in community development and social entrepreneurship
Established a project management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting system
- Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues)
Achieved (3Q 2015). Residents, represented by their respective Homeowners Associations (HOAs) have submitted five-year Community Development Plans to the local government of Calauan, as well as Barangays Dayap and Santo Tomas. Updated CDPs (2014-2018) were submitted in September 2015.
ALKFI engaged a firm to conduct the end of project survey and documented a 35% increase in satisfaction in services, thus surpassing the project's target of an increase of at least 30% of the residents' net satisfaction of delivery of basic services.
All HOAs have been registered under Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB). Six out of 10 meanwhile are BIR-registered CBOs. HLURB and BIR registrations are expected to improve participation in LGU planning and budgeting activities.
Achieved target. About 73% of attendees in capacity development activities are women.
Achieved targets on project management:
> Regular weekly reporting by IA, PIU
> Weekly meeting by LAC/BMC
> Monthly meeting by PSC
>Monthly meeting by HOAs and BNJPA
Development of knowledge products: KPs developed in Q3 2-16; printing completed in December 2016 and online publication available at ADB Knowledge Portal since October 2016. Dissemination of printed KPs planned in Q1 2017.
Achieved targets on increase in private sector contribution (210% as of Q3 2016).
Baseline 2012: P47.813 million
2013 Q4: P73,909,346.70 (54.58%)
2014 Q4: P87,000,498.21 (81.96%)
2015 Q4: P95,953,345.68 (100.68%)
2016 Q3: P100,527,127.36 (110.25%)
The local government of Calauan has incorporated Southville 7 in the Municipal Development Plan and Investment Plan through the Development Plans prepared by Barangays Dayap and Santo Tomas. These Development Plans include projects in electrification, water, healthcare, peace & order, and sanitation. The Calauan LGU, however, has yet to issue a resolution explicitly stating Southville 7, as it is politically under the jurisdiction of the abovementioned barangays.
Achieved (May 2015). The pilot PPP for Level II water system in BNJ Site 1 has been operational since May 2015. It is under the management of the five (5) HOA Water Groups under the supervision of ALKFI and HOA Consortium. The said system is now serving about 2,300 households.
Achieved. Based on Baseline Survey conducted in December 2013
" Very Satisfied = 25%
" Satisfied = 26%
" Fair = 32%
" Dissatisfied = 12%
" Very Dissatisfied = 5%
" Overall Satisfaction rating = 51%
The project evaluation study showed 63% of respondents are satisfied with quality of services in 2016, compared to 35% during the time of relocation (2009-2011).
Achieved. All households have access to safe drinking water (Level II).
Achieved (1Q 2016). In the February 2016 survey, almost 43%, or 94 out of 219 respondents, have received livelihood assistance in Southville 7. Residents said they benefitted from cash for work (20.1%); Community Innovation Fund (16%); skills training (11.9%); Southville 7-based employment (9.1%); and food for work (5.9%).
Ten percent (10%) of residents were given livelihood assistance (i.e. cash for work, skills training), according to the project baseline survey.
Achieved. About 70% livelihood-assisted beneficiaries are women.
- Geographical Location
Safeguard Categories
- Environment
- B
- Involuntary Resettlement
- C
- Indigenous Peoples
- C
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects
- Environmental Aspects
- Potential environmental impacts (including health and safety) may be generated from groundwater abstraction to supply drinking water to some 6,000 families. Environmental impact during construction will be limited to the associated civil works. Electrical connection to houses and community facilities could have impact on the safety of contractors and individuals. An initial environment examination is being prepared in accordance with ADB social and environmental safeguard policies and guidelines.
- Involuntary Resettlement
- The project seeks to improve the delivery of basic services to poor and vulnerable families in Southville 7. Of the 5,986 families in Southville 7, 3,179 were informal settlers in Metro Manila and victims of Typhoon Ondoy; 1,985 were squatter families from the Pasig riverbanks and tributaries in Manila; and 732 families were beneficiaries of socialized housing program under the Government's Home Development Mutual Fund. No involuntary resettlement is expected.
- Indigenous Peoples
- This project will not target IP communities. Its intended beneficiaries are some 5,986 poor families in Southville 7. Most of the residents were informal settlers in Metro Manila and victims of Typhoon Ondoy. They do not belong to any indigenous group.
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation
- During Project Design
- Consultations were held with the national and local government agencies, AFI, NGOs, community-based organizations, community members and leaders of Southville 7, and Embassy of Japan during the project appraisal and design mission in September 2011. Project stakeholders, including women community leaders, were invited to provide inputs to the project design, scope, implementing arrangements, opportunities for partnerships, and lessons learned from similar initiatives in the country. NHA, Calauan LGU, and AFI provided extensive information about Southville 7 as well as the municipality and province. The views and suggestions of the stakeholders consulted have been incorporated into the project design. Opportunities to partner with private sector organizations and NGOs were also identified during the project preparation.
- During Project Implementation
- During implementation, the project promotes stakeholder and community participation through the partnership building and CDD approaches that have been embedded in the project design. A consultation and participation/communication plan was prepared to further strengthen the project design's participatory process during implementation. The plan will identify stakeholders and community participation processes that will be actively co-managed by the project implementation unit and the community-based organizations. Participation of women in managing community affairs and community investments are embedded in project design and implementation.
- Responsible ADB Officer
- Thomas, Elaine C.
- Responsible ADB Department
- Southeast Asia Department
- Responsible ADB Division
- Human and Social Development Division, SERD
- Executing Agencies
National Housing Authority (NHA)
- Concept Clearance
- 06 Sep 2011
- Fact Finding
- 14 Aug 2011 to 19 Aug 2011
- -
- Approval
- 09 Apr 2012
- Last Review Mission
- -
- Last PDS Update
- 28 Mar 2017
Grant 9162-PHI
Approval | Signing Date | Effectivity Date | Closing | ||
Original | Revised | Actual | |||
09 Apr 2012 | 22 May 2012 | 22 May 2012 | 30 Nov 2015 | 30 Nov 2016 | 02 May 2017 |
Total (Amount in US$ million) | |
Project Cost | 4.29 |
ADB | 0.00 |
Counterpart | 2.79 |
Cofinancing | 1.50 |
Date | ADB | Others | Net Percentage | |
Cumulative Contract Awards | 17 Jun 2022 | 0.00 | 1.47 | 98% |
Cumulative Disbursements | 17 Jun 2022 | 0.00 | 1.47 | 98% |
Category | Sector | Safeguards | Social | Financial | Economic | Others |
Rating | - | - | - | Satisfactory | - | Satisfactory |
Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.
The Access to Information Policy (AIP) recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to development effectiveness. It establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced.
The Accountability Mechanism provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance of ADB's operational policies and procedures.
In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.
Title | Document Type | Document Date |
Promoting Partnerships and Innovation in Poor and Underserved Communities: Implementation Completion Memorandum | Completion Reports | Sep 2018 |
Promoting Partnerships and Innovation in Poor and Underserved Communities: Audited Project Financial Statements (January-December 2015) | Audited Project Financial Statements | Aug 2016 |
Promoting Partnerships and Innovation in Poor and Underserved Communities: Audited Project Financial Statements (2014) | Audited Project Financial Statements | Jul 2015 |
Promoting Partnerships and Innovation in Poor and Underserved Communities | Procurement Plans | Apr 2014 |
Promoting Partnerships and Innovations in Poor and Underserved Communities | Initial Poverty and Social Analysis | Jan 2013 |
Promoting Partnerships and Innovation in Poor and Underserved Communities | Grant Implementation Manuals | Oct 2012 |
Promoting Partnerships and Innovations in Poor and Underserved Communities | Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific | Apr 2012 |
Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.
Title | Document Type | Document Date |
Promoting Partnerships and Innovation in Poor and Underserved Communities | Initial Environmental Examination | Jan 2013 |
Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation
None currently available.
Related Publications
Title | Document Type | Document Date |
Southville 7: Making Resettlement Work | Brochures and Flyers | Dec 2016 |
The Access to Information Policy (AIP) establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced in its operations to facilitate stakeholder participation in ADB's decision-making. For more information, refer to the Safeguard Policy Statement, Operations Manual F1, and Operations Manual L3.
Requests for information may also be directed to the InfoUnit.
ADB, Japan Grant to Benefit Almost 6,000 Families in Laguna's Southville 7
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Government of Japan today provided a $1.5 million grant to improve access to basic services and provide livelihood opportunities for nearly 6,000 families in the Southville 7 community of Laguna.
Contracts Awarded
Procurement Plan
Title | Document Type | Document Date |
Promoting Partnerships and Innovation in Poor and Underserved Communities | Procurement Plans | Apr 2014 |