Lao People's Democratic Republic : Strengthening Capacity for Health Sector Governance Reforms

Sovereign Project | 47137-004

Project Name
Strengthening Capacity for Health Sector Governance Reforms
Project Number
Country / Economy
  • Lao People's Democratic Republic
Project Status
Project Type / Modality of Assistance
  • Technical Assistance
Source of Funding / Amount
TA 9190-LAO: Strengthening Capacity for Health Sector Governance Reforms
Source Amount
Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific US$ 2.00 million
Strategic Agendas
  • Inclusive economic growth
Drivers of Change
  • Gender Equity and Mainstreaming
  • Governance and capacity development
  • Knowledge solutions
  • Partnerships
  • Private sector development
Sector / Subsector
  • Health /

Effective gender mainstreaming
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy

Universal health coverage achieved by 2025 (Health Sector Reform Strategy)

Project Outcome

Description of Outcome

Key components of subprogram 2 of the Health Sector Governance Program implemented

Progress Toward Outcome

The CDTA team, with the cooperation of MOH, MOF and MPI, worked on the achievement of all Subprogram 2 triggers by January 2018.

HSR annual implementation plan for 2018 submitted to NCHSR in November 2017. NHI survey on-going. Annual health workforce plans for 18 provinces to be completed by 2018. All provinces submit quarterly financial reports as per guideline.

Implementation Progress

Description of Project Outputs

Health sector reform planning, monitoring, and implementation improved

Implementation of the HEF and free MNCH schemes improved

Human resources management capacity strengthened

Health sector financial management system strengthened

Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues)

Output 1: The National Committee for HSR convened on 9 Dec 2017, reviewed HSR progress, and approved the HSR plan for 2018. The CDTA team worked with the various MOH departments to prepare the HRH and Finance roadmaps, which were approved by the Minister of Health. Governance roadmap is under review.

Output 2: Lao PDR has expanded its national health insurance (NHI) scheme to include the HEF and free MNCH schemes. NHI will provide free care for the poor, mothers, and children under the age of 5 years by exempting them from co-payment. Out of 148 districts, 141 districts reported free services provided to the poor, 143 districts reported free services to children under 5, and virtually all 148 districts reported free services to pregnant women.

Output 3: DHP has completed training and follow-up sessions on data entry and use of the web-based Personnel Management Information System (PMIS) for all provincial and district focal persons. CDTA consultants have also assisted to improve offline MOH database for health sector staff. DHP is also working on the development of health sector workforce plans for 12 provinces. 6 additional provinces are planned for 2018. International and national consultants are providing support in the finalization of health facility profiles and workplans.

Output4: MOF requested all sectors, including MOH, to adopt a paper and excel-based "double entry" accounting system in compliance with the Accounting Law of 2014. MOH, through DOF, has conducted training in all provinces, which will cascade training to districts for consistency across the health sector. Good progress has also been made in improving the quality and timeliness of quarterly expenditure reports from PHOs to DOF. National Health Accounts for 2013 - 2016 (4 fiscal years) was approved by the Minister of Health and was disseminated at a national workshop in December 2017.

All consultants international and national consultants under the CDTA have been engaged and mobilized. Inputs of a few international and national consultants will be extended to continue providing support to MOH.

Minor change to: (a) include tasks of the international MOH Budget Reform Specialist under the TOR of the international Public Finance Management Specialist; (b) engage a national Education Development and Regulation Specialist through the consulting firm; and (c) revise selection method for the national Health Facility Accounting System Specialist from individual to through the consulting firm, approved on 15 March 2017.

Geographical Location

Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects

Environmental Aspects
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples

Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation

During Project Design
During Project Implementation

Business Opportunities

Consulting Services
The TA will support 10 international consultants and 4 national consultants for a total of 159 person-months. To ensure high quality of inputs and adjustment to the reforms sequencing consultants will be recruited by ADB as individual consultants, in accordance with the Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2013, as amended from time to time).


Responsible ADB Officer
Sato, Azusa
Responsible ADB Department
Southeast Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division
Human and Social Development Division, SERD
Executing Agencies
Ministry of Health


Concept Clearance
17 Jun 2015
Fact Finding
19 May 2015 to 22 May 2015
29 Sep 2016
Last Review Mission
Last PDS Update
25 Sep 2018


TA 9190-LAO

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date Closing
Original Revised Actual
29 Sep 2016 31 Oct 2016 31 Oct 2016 31 Aug 2018 - 22 Nov 2018
Financing Plan/TA Utilization
ADB Cofinancing Counterpart Total
Gov Beneficiaries Project Sponsor Others
0.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000,000.00
Cumulative Disbursements
Date Amount
17 Jun 2022 1,927,616.51

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Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.

None currently available.

Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation

None currently available.

Related Publications

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Tender Title Type Status Posting Date Deadline
Program Impact Assessment Consultant Individual - Consulting Closed

Contracts Awarded

Contract Title Approval Number Contract Date Contractor | Address Executing Agency Total Contract Amount (US$) Contract Amount Financed by ADB (US$)
Capacity Development Technical Assistance 9190 24 Nov 2016 Pacific Rim Innovation & Management Exponents, Inc (Philippines) | 502 MANILA LUXURY CONDOMINIUM PEARL DRIVE, ORTIGAS CENTER, PASIG CITY METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES Ministry of Health 1,620,000.00

Procurement Plan

None currently available.