China, People's Republic of : Inner Mongolia Sustainable Cross-Border Development Investment Program - Tranche 2
The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program has an overarching vision of Good Neighbors, Good Partners, and Good Prospects. To achieve this vision, the CAREC Program has adopted a new strategic framework, CAREC 2030, which aims to 'connect people, policies and projects for shared and sustainable development, with a special focus on economic corridor development, whereby transport corridors will be expanded, cross-border trade and investment promoted, and economic growth stimulated. Under CAREC 2030, economic corridor development is highlighted as one of the five operational clusters. The People's Republic of China (PRC) is an active participant in the CAREC Program and is making joint efforts with Mongolia to develop CAREC Transport Corridor 4 and transform it into an economic corridor.
Project Details
Project Officer
An, Bo
Sectors Group
Request for information -
China, People's Republic of -
- Industry and trade
- Project Name
- Inner Mongolia Sustainable Cross-Border Development Investment Program - Tranche 2
- Project Number
- 51192-003
- Country / Economy
- China, People's Republic of
- Project Status
- Proposed
- Project Type / Modality of Assistance
- Loan
- Source of Funding / Amount
Loan: Inner Mongolia Sustainable Cross-Border Development Investment Program - Tranche 2 Source Amount Ordinary capital resources US$ 174.32 million - Strategic Agendas
- Inclusive economic growth
- Drivers of Change
- Gender Equity and Mainstreaming
- Sector / Subsector
Industry and trade / Industry and trade sector development
- Gender
- Effective gender mainstreaming
- Description
- The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program has an overarching vision of Good Neighbors, Good Partners, and Good Prospects. To achieve this vision, the CAREC Program has adopted a new strategic framework, CAREC 2030, which aims to 'connect people, policies and projects for shared and sustainable development, with a special focus on economic corridor development, whereby transport corridors will be expanded, cross-border trade and investment promoted, and economic growth stimulated. Under CAREC 2030, economic corridor development is highlighted as one of the five operational clusters. The People's Republic of China (PRC) is an active participant in the CAREC Program and is making joint efforts with Mongolia to develop CAREC Transport Corridor 4 and transform it into an economic corridor. The proposed multitranche financing facility (MFF, or investment program) is designed to support the participation of the PRC's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR) in regional cooperation and integration (RCI), especially the CAREC Program, with a focus on economic corridor development. The investment program will enhance cooperation between the PRC and Mongolia under the CAREC framework, and is expected to have high RCI spill-overs, also benefitting Mongolia by improving connectivity, increasing cross-border trade, and expanding Mongolia's access to the market in the PRC and beyond.
- Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy
- Impact
Sustainable economic development and shared prosperity for CAREC region achieved.
- Outcome
Sustainable economic opportunities and living conditions in areas along the IMAR-Mongolia border improved.
- Outputs
- Geographical Location
Safeguard Categories
- Environment
- B
- Involuntary Resettlement
- B
- Indigenous Peoples
- B
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects
- Environmental Aspects
- Tranche 2 of the Investment Program is classified as B for environment. A consolidated initial environmental examination (IEE), including an environmental management plan (EMP) was prepared for the physical investment components, in compliance with ADB's policies and requirements included in ADB's SPS. The IEE will be disclosed on ADB website. The project IEE and EMP form a basis of the official loan agreement between ADB and the executing agency. Tranche 2 subprojects are not expected to have significant adverse environmental impacts that are irreversible, diverse, or unprecedented. Potential environmental impacts of construction of the project facilities are temporary, short-term and reversible and include (i) soil erosion; (ii) construction noise and dust; (iii) inappropriate storage of construction materials and wastes; (iv) wastewater; and (v) safety to construction workers and community. These impacts can be readily managed or effectively mitigated through the application of good construction practices and measures identified in the EMP. During operation, the major negative environmental impacts are related to the waste management from wastewater treatment facilities.The wastewater and solid waste from the project facilities will be disposed to the existing waste treatment facilities (WWTP and landfills). Due diligence confirmed that these facilities are established and operated in accordance with the PRC environmental regulations. Other environmental impacts are anticipated to be minor and will be addressed through conventional operation and maintenance practices, health and safety codes and measures included in the operations aspects of the EMP.
- Involuntary Resettlement
Tranche 2 of the Investment Program is classified as Category B for involuntary resettlement. Tranche 2 consists of three construction subprojects, which are the Alxa Yellow River Basin Ecological Restoration Subproject (Alxa Yellow River Subproject), Uliji BCP Comprehensive Improvement Subproject (Uliji Subproject), and Arxan Port Ecological Environment Comprehensive Management Subproject (Arxan project).
Resettlement Plan (RP) and Due Diligence Report (DDR): A resettlement plan (RP) has been prepared to address resettlement impacts of Alxa Yellow River Subproject in line with ADB's SPS and laws and regulations of China and Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region (IMAR), and resettlement due diligence reports have been prepared for Uliji Subproject and Arxan Subproject respectively. According to the due diligence carried out at this stage, there were no any legacy issues identified related to these two subprojects. The RP and these two DDRs will be submitted by the IAs to the ADB for no objection and to be disclosed on the government and ADB's website in July 2023.
- Indigenous Peoples
Based on due diligence in accordance with the SPS (2009), it is confirmed that Tranche 2 will not incur any adverse impacts on ethnic minorities. Tranche 2 is Category B for the Indigenous Peoples safeguard due to positive impacts expected for all three subprojects on ethnic minority communities in the project area.
Two ethnic minority development plans (EMDPs) are prepared for Tranche 2 following the EMDF prepared under Tranche 1 to ensure that ethnic minority communities in Uliji and Arxon subprojects equally receive culturally appropriate benefits from the Project. As ethnic minorities are the majority of direct beneficiaries of the Alxa subproject, the elements of an EMDP have been integrated in subproject design, including the provision of employment, capacity building opportunities, and being engaged in meaningful consultations throughout the project implementation. EMDP implementation will be subject to both internal and external monitoring and semi-annual monitoring reports will be submitted.
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation
- During Project Design
- During Project Implementation
- Responsible ADB Officer
- An, Bo
- Responsible ADB Department
- Sectors Group
- Responsible ADB Division
- Public Sector Management and Governance Sector Office (SG-PSMG)
- Executing Agencies
Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
- Concept Clearance
- -
- Fact Finding
- -
- 12 Sep 2024
- Approval
- -
- Last Review Mission
- -
- Last PDS Update
- 12 Jul 2023
Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.
The Access to Information Policy (AIP) recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to development effectiveness. It establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced.
The Accountability Mechanism provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance of ADB's operational policies and procedures.
In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.
None currently available.
Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.
Title | Document Type | Document Date |
Inner Mongolia Sustainable Cross-Border Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Alxa Yellow River Basin Ecological Restoration Subproject Resettlement Plan and Due Diligence Report | Resettlement Plans | Jun 2023 |
Inner Mongolia Sustainable Cross-Border Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Uliji Border Crossing Point Comprehensive Improvement Subproject Resettlement Due Diligence Report | Safeguards Due Diligence Reports | May 2023 |
Inner Mongolia Sustainable Cross-Border Development Investment Program - Tranche 2: Arxon Border Crossing Point Ecological Environment Comprehensive Management Subproject Resettlement Due Diligence Report | Safeguards Due Diligence Reports | May 2023 |
Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation
None currently available.
Related Publications
None currently available.
The Access to Information Policy (AIP) establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced in its operations to facilitate stakeholder participation in ADB's decision-making. For more information, refer to the Safeguard Policy Statement, Operations Manual F1, and Operations Manual L3.
Requests for information may also be directed to the InfoUnit.
Contracts Awarded
Procurement Plan
None currently available.