Regional : Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development

Sovereign Project | 53103-001

The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) by continuing to resource the coordination and technical assistance activities of the PRIF coordination office for another 4 years, from November 2019 to October 2023. Cofinanced by multiple partners, PRIF is an investment coordination and technical assistance facility that supports the planning, prioritization, coordination, and management of infrastructure in the Pacific. PRIF aims to improve development effectiveness and the sustainability of infrastructure investments in Pacific island member countries by (i) strengthening coordination among PRIF partners, (ii) improving infrastructure policies and regulation, and (iii) improving infrastructure planning and management. A PRIF management committee provides strategic oversight of PRIF activities, based on governance arrangements in the PRIF charter. PRIF partners chair the management committee on a rotational basis.

Project Details

  • Project Officer
    Indrawansa, P.P.G.P.P.
    Pacific Department
    Request for information
  • Country/Economy
  • Sector
    • Transport
Project Name
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development
Project Number
Country / Economy
  • Regional
  • Cook Islands
  • Fiji
  • Micronesia, Federated States of
  • Kiribati
  • Nauru
  • Niue
  • Palau
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Marshall Islands
  • Samoa
  • Solomon Islands
  • Tonga
  • Tuvalu
  • Vanuatu
Project Status
Project Type / Modality of Assistance
  • Technical Assistance
Source of Funding / Amount
TA 9819-REG: Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office - Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development
Source Amount
Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 2.00 million
Government of Australia US$ 4.09 million
New Zealand US$ 3.00 million
TA 9819-REG: Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development
Source Amount
ATF - Cofinanced TA Funds US$ 2.00 million
New Zealand US$ 1.45 million
Operational Priorities
  • OP1: Addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities
  • OP2: Accelerating progress in gender equality
  • OP3: Tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability
  • OP4: Making cities more livable
  • OP5: Promoting rural development and food security
  • OP6: Strengthening governance and institutional capacity
  • OP7: Fostering regional cooperation and integration
Sector / Subsector
  • Energy / Energy sector development and institutional reform

  • Information and communication technology / ICT strategy and policy, and capacity development

  • Transport / Transport policies and institutional development

  • Water and other urban infrastructure and services / Other urban services

Some gender elements

The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) by continuing to resource the coordination and technical assistance activities of the PRIF coordination office for another 4 years, from November 2019 to October 2023. Cofinanced by multiple partners, PRIF is an investment coordination and technical assistance facility that supports the planning, prioritization, coordination, and management of infrastructure in the Pacific. PRIF aims to improve development effectiveness and the sustainability of infrastructure investments in Pacific island member countries by (i) strengthening coordination among PRIF partners, (ii) improving infrastructure policies and regulation, and (iii) improving infrastructure planning and management. A PRIF management committee provides strategic oversight of PRIF activities, based on governance arrangements in the PRIF charter. PRIF partners chair the management committee on a rotational basis. The PRIF coordination office is located in the Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The coordination office supports enhanced coordination and provides short-term TA to respond to requests from PRIF partners and member countries.

The TA is consistent with Strategy 2030's focus on infrastructure as a key development priority in its aim to tackle climate change, build disaster resilience, make cities more livable, strengthen capacity, and foster regional cooperation and integration. The TA is also consistent with ADB's Pacific Approach 2016-2020, with its focus on reducing costs, managing risk, and enabling value creation. The TA is included in the Pacific regional operations business plan, 2019-2021 as a 2019 nonlending activity.

Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy

PRIF member countries face several challenges in infrastructure planning, financing and management. Member countries are remote and have small populations, precluding economies of scale in infrastructure delivery and management. Given their narrow economic base, member countries rely heavily on development aid and remittances. They also face frequent natural disasters and climate change, resulting in additional unplanned costs. Policy, institutional, and capacity issues also negatively affect performance and sustainability of investment. Infrastructure investment and service delivery in Pacific island countries lag well behind global and Asian averages. ADB estimates that the Pacific region requires $3.1 billion annually to fully address its infrastructure needs. Development partners active in the Pacific have responded to the region's challenges by (i) establishing PRIF in 2008, to provide better coordinated support to PRIF member countries, (ii) significantly increasing available finance to Pacific island countries, and (iii) providing long-term capacity development.

Some of the key achievements of PRIF since its establishment in 2008 include: (i) facilitation of strategic engagement between development partners in the Pacific, (ii) helping member countries plan infrastructure investments and maintenance needs, (iii) providing a platform for technical experts from PRIF partners in sector working groups to develop common approaches to sectoral challenges, (iv) supporting regional organizations such as the Pacific Power Association and the Pacific Water and Wastewater Association, (v) leading applied research on engineering solutions for local Pacific conditions, (vi) rapidly mobilizing technical resources immediately after disasters, and (vii) providing COVID-19 response technical assistance. While the coordination effort of development partners has significantly improved over recent years, the recent and proposed scaling up of financial resources by development partners in the Pacific will require ongoing, long-term, and regionally focused coordination and support for infrastructure planning, financing and management.


Quality and coverage of infrastructure investments and service delivery in PRIF member countries improved

Project Outcome

Description of Outcome

Comprehensive and coordinated project and TA support on infrastructure investments provided by PRIF partners

Progress Toward Outcome

Implementation Progress

Description of Project Outputs

Coordination of PRIF partner infrastructure investments in the Pacific is further enhanced.

Technical advice on infrastructure development and sustainable infrastructure management provided to PRIF partners and member countries

Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues)
Below is a summary of high-level outputs based on the first three years of implementation (2020-2022). Overall PRIF is on track to meet all intended outputs and activities. Average of four management committee meetings held per annum. An average of 23 sectoral working group meetings were held per annum. Individual TA provided to 11 countries, with all 13 PRIF member countries as well as PNG covered in 14 regional TAs. 11 PICs supported the development of National Infrastructure Investment Plans (Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Nauru, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Tonga, Palau, Samoa, the Solomon Islands and RMI). 17 knowledge products delivered between 2020-2022, four sector assessments, and three capacity-building activities. Project pipelines are updated six monthly. Six Community of Practice webinars were held with around 259 participants and an average rating of 4.1 out of 5. Two PRIF Week events have been held to date, with over 500 interactive participants in 2022.
Geographical Location
Cook Islands - Nation-wide; Fiji - Nation-wide; Kiribati - Nation-wide; Marshall Islands - Nation-wide; Micronesia, Federated States of - Nation-wide; Nauru - Nation-wide; Niue - Nation-wide; Palau - Nation-wide; Papua New Guinea - Nation-wide; Samoa - Nation-wide; Solomon Islands - Nation-wide; Tonga - Nation-wide; Tuvalu - Nation-wide; Vanuatu - Nation-wide

Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects

Environmental Aspects
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples

Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation

During Project Design
During Project Implementation
In 2022, there is a growing recognition of PRIF's contribution and value. There has been a significant increase on social media outreach in comparison with 2020-21, with PRIF now present and active on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. There are now over 200 PRIF partner representatives registered and have direct access to the PRIF-restricted site. The PRIF Week 2022 with the theme of enhancing the private sector and local participation in pacific infrastructure, attracted over 600 participants across 27 countries, including country participants from PRIF Week hubs in three Pacific countries, attendees, speakers, and exhibitors. PRIF has also continued its strong engagement and cooperation with regional agencies including the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFs), SPC, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Program (SPREP), the Pacific Aviation Safety Office (PASO), Pacific Water & Wastewater Association (PWWA), the Pacific Power Association (PPA), the Association of South Pacific Airlines (ASPA), University of the South Pacific and others.


Responsible ADB Officer
Indrawansa, P.P.G.P.P.
Responsible ADB Department
Pacific Department
Responsible ADB Division
Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office in Sydney, Australia (PLCO)
Executing Agencies
Asian Development Bank


Concept Clearance
09 Apr 2019
Fact Finding
06 Feb 2019 to 06 Feb 2019
03 Oct 2019
Last Review Mission
Last PDS Update
07 Dec 2023


TA 9819-REG

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date Closing
Original Revised Actual
03 Oct 2019 - 03 Oct 2019 31 Oct 2023 30 Sep 2024 -
Financing Plan/TA Utilization
ADB Cofinancing Counterpart Total
Gov Beneficiaries Project Sponsor Others
2,000,000.00 10,539,820.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,539,820.81
Cumulative Disbursements
Date Amount
02 Oct 2024 11,694,476.39

Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to development effectiveness. It establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced.

The Accountability Mechanism provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance of ADB's operational policies and procedures.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.

None currently available.

Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation

None currently available.

Related Publications

None currently available.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced in its operations to facilitate stakeholder participation in ADB's decision-making. For more information, refer to the Safeguard Policy Statement, Operations Manual F1, and Operations Manual L3.

Requests for information may also be directed to the InfoUnit.


Tender Title Type Status Posting Date Deadline
Team Leader/International Aviation Planning and Management Specialist, Support to PASO Sustainability Individual - Consulting Closed
Aviation Finance Specialist, Support to PASO Sustainability Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Regional Aviation Specialist, Support to PASO Sustainability Individual - Consulting Closed
Project Coordinator (Infrastructure), Nauru NIIP and Asset Management Support Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional Infrastructure Planning Specialist, Strengthening FSM's National Infrastructure Investment Planning Processes Individual - Consulting Closed
Economist/Team Leader, Strengthening FSM’s National Infrastructure Investment Planning Processes Individual - Consulting Closed
Pavement Design for Low Volume Rural Roads – Pilot with Fiji Roads Authority (FRA) Firm - Consulting Closed
National Infrastructure Planning/Deputy Team Leader, RMI National Infrastructure Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
Economist, RMI National Infrastructure Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional Coordinator, Enhancing Regional Coordination for Capacity Development of Environmental and Social Management in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional GESI Course Developer, Virtual Training on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) for Infrastructure in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
National Economist - Aviation and Energy Sectors, Vanuatu Infrastructure Strategic Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
National Project Economist - Coordination and Analysis, Vanuatu Infrastructure Strategic Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
Infrastructure Specialist/Economist, Nauru National Infrastructure Planning and Asset Management Support Individual - Consulting Closed
National Infrastructure Planning Specialist, Nauru National Infrastructure Planning and Asset Management Support Individual - Consulting Closed
Procurement Specialist/Team Leader, Value for Money Procurement for Pacific Infrastructure Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional Infrastructure Specialist, Value for Money Procurement for Pacific Infrastructure Individual - Consulting Closed
Commercial / Financial Specialist, Value for Money Procurement for Pacific Infrastructure Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional Coordinator, Strengthening Capital Maintenance Practices and Capabilities in the Pacific Water Sector Individual - Consulting Closed
National Infrastructure Economist, Kiribati National Infrastructure Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
Asset Management Specialist/Team Leader, Strengthening Capital Maintenance Practices in the Pacific Water Sector Individual - Consulting Closed
Coastal Protection Engineer, Affordable Coastal Protection in the Pacific - Phase 3 Individual - Consulting Closed
Coastal Geomorphologist, Affordable Coastal Protection in the Pacific - Phase 3 Individual - Consulting Closed
Coastal Protection Specialist/Team Leader, Affordable Coastal Protection in the Pacific - Phase 3 Individual - Consulting Closed
Aggregates Specialist, Responsible Sourcing of Aggregates in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Infrastructure Civil Works Specialist/Team Leader, Responsible Sourcing of Aggregates in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Nauru National Coordinator, Improving Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, PRIF NIIP Review Individual - Consulting Closed
Fiji Technical Assistance Officer Individual - Consulting Closed
Building Codes Specialist, Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Energy Training Coordinator Individual - Consulting Closed
Building Code Coordinator, Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Fire Engineering Specialist, Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Mechanical Engineering Specialist, Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
National Project Economist, Samoa Public Sector Investment Programme and Support to Energy, Transport and ICT Sectors Individual - Consulting Closed
Economist-Infrastructure Specialist, Guidance on Economic Analysis in Planning, Appraisal and Selection of Infrastructure Projects in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Economist/Team Leader, Guidance on Economic Analysis in Planning, Appraisal and Selection of Infrastructure Projects in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
National Project Economist, Vanuatu Infrastructure Strategic Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
National Infrastructure Planning Specialist/Deputy Team Leader, Samoa Public Sector Investment Programme and Support to Energy, Transport and ICT Sectors. Individual - Consulting Closed
Senior Building Control Specialist, Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Construction Legal Specialist (South Pacific), Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Construction Legal Specialist (for FSM), Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Energy Planning Specialist, Samoa Public Sector Investment Programme and Support to Energy, Transport and ICT Sectors Individual - Consulting Closed
Infrastructure Planning Specialist, National Infrastructure Investment Plan (NIIP) Core Team Individual - Consulting Closed
Project Economist, PRIF National Infrastructure Investment Plan (NIIP) Core Team Individual - Consulting Closed
National Infrastructure Planning Specialist and Deputy Team Leader, Vanuatu Infrastructure Strategic Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
Electrical Engineering Specialist, Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Transport Sector Specialist, Electric Vehicle Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Event (PRIF Week) Coordinator Individual - Consulting Closed
Energy Sector Specialist, Electric Vehicle Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Social Safeguard Specialist/Team Leader, Promotion of the Shared Approach for Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Individual - Consulting Closed
Environment Safeguard Specialist, Promotion of the Shared Approach for Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts. Individual - Consulting Closed
Insurance Specialist, Infrastructure Risk Management and Insurance in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Kiribati National Coordinator, Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
National Infrastructure Planning Fiji National Infrastructure Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
Inclusion Specialist, Mid-term Review of PRIF Phase IV Individual - Consulting Closed
ICT Sector Specialist, Information Sharing on Cybersecurity Initiatives Individual - Consulting Closed
Economist, Stocktake of Fossil Fuel Subsidies in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Energy Specialist, Stocktake of Fossil Fuel Subsidies in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Economist, Fiji National Infrastructure Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
Infrastructure Planning Specialist / Team Leader, Fiji National Infrastructure Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
National Project Economist and Coordinator, Fiji National Infrastructure Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
Monitoring & Evaluation Team Lead, Mid-Term Review of PRIF Phase IV Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development - Kiribati National Infrastructure Investment Plan - National Project Coordinator Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development - Kiribati National Infrastructure Investment Plan - National Infrastructure Economics Expert Individual - Consulting Closed
National Project Coordinator, Niue National Infrastructure Investment Plan 2030 Individual - Consulting Closed
Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Mid-term Review of PRIF Phase IV Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development - Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific - Nauru National Coordinator Individual - Consulting Closed
Senior Insurance Specialist/Team Leader, Infrastructure Risk Management and Insurance in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development - Airline Options for Pacific Aviation Sustainability - Aviation Network & Fleet Modeler Consultant Individual - Consulting Closed
Aviation Infrastructure Procurement Specialist, Pacific Aviation Technical Support Services Pilot Study Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development - Airline Options for Pacific Aviation Sustainability - Aviation Planning and Finance Consultant Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development - Scoping Study on Aviation Regional Hub/Body – Aviation Planner Individual - Consulting Closed
Risk Management Specialist, Infrastructure Risk Management and Insurance in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Communications and Secretariat Coordinator Individual - Consulting Closed
Operations and Finance Officer Individual - Consulting Closed
Building Codes Specialist, Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Building Codes Coordinator and Team Leader, Improving National Building Codes and Standards in the Pacific Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development - Infrastructure Economist Individual - Consulting Closed
National Project Coordinator for Solomon Islands, Improving Procurement Practice and Local Participation in Pacific Infrastructure Delivery Individual - Consulting Closed
National Project Coordinator for Tonga, Improving Procurement Practice and Local Participation in Pacific Infrastructure Delivery Individual - Consulting Closed
Infrastructure Specialist, Improving Procurement Practice and Local Participation in Pacific Infrastructure Delivery Individual - Consulting Closed
Environmental and Social Safeguards Capacity Development Consultant, Promotion of the Shared Approach for Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Individual - Consulting Closed
Communications Specialist/Team Leader, Promotion of the Shared Approach for Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Individual - Consulting Closed
Energy Economist, Pacific Clean Energy Financing Potential Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Coordination Office-Leveraging Infrastructure for Sustainable Development - TA Officers Individual - Consulting Closed
Procurement/Infrastructure Specialist/Team Leader, Improving Procurement Practice and Local Participation in Pacific Infrastructure Delivery Individual - Consulting Closed
Business/Financial Specialist, Improving Procurement Practice and Local Participation in Pacific Infrastructure Delivery Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional Recycling Centre: Scoping Study Firm - Consulting Closed
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Economist, Pacific Clean Energy Financing Potential Individual - Consulting Closed
Energy Sector Specialist, Pacific Clean Energy Financing Potential Individual - Consulting Closed
Team Leader/International Water Specialist, Diagnostics of PWWA Water Utilities Individual - Consulting Closed
National Data Collector/Statistical Analyst, Diagnostic of PWWA Water Utilities Individual - Consulting Closed
Study on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Issues in Infrastructure, GESI and Infrastructure Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Climate Change (Sea-Level Rise) Specialist, Pacific Climate Change Scenarios for Infrastructure Planning Individual - Consulting Closed
Fiji Technical Assistance Officer Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Infrastructure Performance Indicators (PIPIs) - National Data Collector/Statistical Analyst Individual - Consulting Closed
National Infrastructure Specialist, Updating of the Solomon Islands National Infrastructure Investment Plan (SINIIP) Individual - Consulting Closed
National Infrastructure Specialist/Deputy Team Leader, Midterm review & updating of Cook Islands National Infrastructure Investment Plan (CI NIIP) 2015 Individual - Consulting Closed
National Financial Planner and Budget Expert, Midterm review and updating of Cook Islands National Infrastructure Investment Plan (CI NIIP) 2015 Individual - Consulting Closed
National Project Coordinator, Preparation of Palau National Infrastructure Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
National Administration Consultant, Preparation of Palau National Infrastructure Investment Plan Individual - Consulting Closed
National Economist, Tonga National Infrastructure Investment Plan 2020-2030 Individual - Consulting Closed
Pacific Infrastructure Performance Indicators (PIPIs) - Team Leader/Statistical Analyst Individual - Consulting Closed
Water and Sanitation Training Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Aviation Planning Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Aviation Finance Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional Waste Hub - Waste Auditor Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional Waste Hub - Recycling Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional Waste Hub - Country Coordinator: Fiji & Cook Is Individual - Consulting Closed
Recycling Hub Waste Audit - Team Leader Individual - Consulting Closed
Regional Stakeholder Consultant Individual - Consulting Closed
Energy Framework Specialist/Team Leader Individual - Consulting Closed
Infrastructure Economist Individual - Consulting Closed
Desktop Publisher Individual - Consulting Closed
Editor Individual - Consulting Closed
Communications and Secretariat Coordinator Individual - Consulting Closed
Operations and Finance Officer Individual - Consulting Closed
Team Leader Individual - Consulting Closed
Technical Assistance Officer - 2 Positions Individual - Consulting Closed

Contracts Awarded

Contract Title Approval Number Contract Date Contractor | Address Executing Agency Total Contract Amount (US$) Contract Amount Financed by ADB (US$)
Policy and Advisory Technical Assistance Technical Assistance 9819 03 Nov 2021 COWI AS (DENMARK) in association with Marine Plastic Solutions Pty Ltd (AUSTRALIA) | Parallelvej 2, DK-2800 Kongens, Lyngby, Denmark Asian Development Bank 425,900.00

Procurement Plan

None currently available.