Regional : Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia

Sovereign Project | 54201-001

The proposed transaction technical assistance (TA) facility will (i) provide support for the design of ongoing and ensuing SARD health and education sector projects in aligning project activities to address and mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak; (ii) provide analytical support to inform short-term and long-term policy and actions to address the outbreak and strengthen health, education and social protection systems preparedness for future outbreaks or similar external shocks; and (iii) support assessments to learn from ongoing COVID-19 responses in health, education and social protection to identify gaps and opportunities for accelerated reform actions to mitigate impacts of the outbreak and strengthen resilience against future disruptions.

Project Details

Project Name
Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia
Project Number
Country / Economy
  • Regional
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • India
  • Maldives
  • Nepal
  • Sri Lanka
Project Status
Project Type / Modality of Assistance
  • Technical Assistance
Source of Funding / Amount
TA 9982-REG: Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia
Source Amount
Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 1.00 million
TA 9982-REG: Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia (Supplementary)
Source Amount
Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 400,000.00
TA 9982-REG: Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia (Supplementary)
Source Amount
Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 1.50 million
TA 9982-REG: Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia
Source Amount
Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 1.00 million
Operational Priorities
  • OP1: Addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities
  • OP2: Accelerating progress in gender equality
  • OP6: Strengthening governance and institutional capacity
Sector / Subsector
  • Education / Education sector development - Education sector development - social protection initiatives

  • Health / Disease control of communicable disease - Health system development

  • Public sector management / Social protection initiatives

Effective gender mainstreaming
The proposed transaction technical assistance (TA) facility will (i) provide support for the design of ongoing and ensuing SARD health and education sector projects in aligning project activities to address and mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak; (ii) provide analytical support to inform short-term and long-term policy and actions to address the outbreak and strengthen health, education and social protection systems preparedness for future outbreaks or similar external shocks; and (iii) support assessments to learn from ongoing COVID-19 responses in health, education and social protection to identify gaps and opportunities for accelerated reform actions to mitigate impacts of the outbreak and strengthen resilience against future disruptions.
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy

The COVID-19 outbreak has escalated in its severity in South Asian DMCs. A total of 88,415 cases in South Asian DMCs have been confirmed as of 12 May 2020. 3. The outbreak threatens to further strain already stretched health resources and seriously undermine health systems in South Asian DMCs. In addition to health risks, the outbreak has disrupted education systems and led to unprecedented loss of livelihoods. The immediate risks and disruptions are likely to continue for the foreseeable future until a vaccine is developed and mass immunization is achieved. Immediate and continued support to South Asian DMCs to address COVID-19 spread and strengthen health, education and social systems response for future outbreaks is crucial as pandemics can have catastrophic short-term and long-term effects on human lives, critical service delivery for human capital development and the economy.

The countercyclical support facilities under the COVID-19 crisis response option provided to SARD DMCs are mainly geared to protect the poor and vulnerable populations from falling into destitution and saving lives from COVID-19 infection. ADB support to strengthen preparedness of health as well as education systems and protecting vulnerable groups in SARD countries in case of future shocks will be critical for mitigating impacts on health and overall human capital, and to safeguard the developmental gains made so far.


Project Outcome

Description of Outcome
Progress Toward Outcome

Implementation Progress

Description of Project Outputs
Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues)
Geographical Location
Bangladesh - Nation-wide; Bhutan - Nation-wide; India - Nation-wide; Maldives - Nation-wide; Nepal - Nation-wide; Sri Lanka - Nation-wide

Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects

Environmental Aspects
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples

Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation

During Project Design
During Project Implementation

Business Opportunities

Consulting Services
The TA facility will provide a total of 69 person-months of consultant inputs to support the design of ensuing and ongoing projects and provide support to address the impacts of COVID-19 outbreak and strengthen preparedness. Individual consultants will be recruited for a total of 40 person-months using individual consultant selection method. The TA facility will also recruit two firms for a total of 29 person-months to conduct immediate data analytics to support identification and management of epidemiological clusters in Sri Lanka and Nepal.
Individual consultants will be recruited using individual consultant selection method. Firms will be recruited using consultant qualification selection. ADB will engage the consultants following the ADB Procurement Policy and Regulations (2017, as amended from time to time) and its associated project administration instructions and/or staff instructions.


Responsible ADB Officer
Shrestha, Unika
Responsible ADB Department
Sectors Group
Responsible ADB Division
Human and Social Development Sector Office (SG-HSD)
Executing Agencies
Asian Development Bank


Concept Clearance
Fact Finding
20 May 2020
Last Review Mission
Last PDS Update
14 Dec 2022


TA 9982-REG

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date Closing
Original Revised Actual
20 May 2020 - 20 May 2020 31 May 2023 30 Nov 2024 -
Financing Plan/TA Utilization
ADB Cofinancing Counterpart Total
Gov Beneficiaries Project Sponsor Others
3,900,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,900,000.00
Cumulative Disbursements
Date Amount
10 May 2024 2,879,236.03

Project Data Sheets (PDS) contain summary information on the project or program. Because the PDS is a work in progress, some information may not be included in its initial version but will be added as it becomes available. Information about proposed projects is tentative and indicative.

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) recognizes that transparency and accountability are essential to development effectiveness. It establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced.

The Accountability Mechanism provides a forum where people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects can voice and seek solutions to their problems and report alleged noncompliance of ADB's operational policies and procedures.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of, or reference to, a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Safeguard Documents See also: Safeguards
Safeguard documents provided at the time of project/facility approval may also be found in the list of linked documents provided with the Report and Recommendation of the President.

None currently available.

Evaluation Documents See also: Independent Evaluation

None currently available.

Related Publications

The Access to Information Policy (AIP) establishes the disclosure requirements for documents and information ADB produces or requires to be produced in its operations to facilitate stakeholder participation in ADB's decision-making. For more information, refer to the Safeguard Policy Statement, Operations Manual F1, and Operations Manual L3.

Requests for information may also be directed to the InfoUnit.


Tender Title Type Status Posting Date Deadline
Procurement and Capacity Development Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Public Health Documentation Expert Individual - Consulting Closed
Policy Component Firm - Consulting Closed
Procurement Specialist (Bhutan APVAX) Individual - Consulting Closed
Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia_Male Engagement and Promoting Behavioral Change Individual - Consulting Closed
Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia_Social Safeguards Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia_Environment Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
National TA Coordinator Individual - Consulting Closed
Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia_Procurement Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Program Evaluation Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Project Manager Individual - Consulting Closed
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
M&E Specialist for Nepal APVAX Individual - Consulting Closed
India Vaccine Hesitancy Study Research Implementation Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Bangladesh Vaccine Hesitancy Study Research Implementation Consultant Individual - Consulting Closed
Bangladesh Vaccine Hesitancy Study Knowledge Development and Sharing Consultant Individual - Consulting Closed
Supporting Bangladesh's National COVID-19 Vaccination Program Firm - Consulting Closed
Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia - Social and Public Management Information System Expert Individual - Consulting Closed
Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia - Social Development Expert (Gender) Individual - Consulting Closed
Health Economist Individual - Consulting Closed
Procurement Expert Individual - Consulting Closed
Public Financial Management Specialist Individual - Consulting Closed
Support to Address Outbreak of COVID-19 and Strengthen Preparedness for Communicable Diseases in South Asia - Social Development Expert Individual - Consulting Closed

Contracts Awarded

Contract Title Approval Number Contract Date Contractor | Address Executing Agency Total Contract Amount (US$) Contract Amount Financed by ADB (US$)
Policy and Advisory Technical Assistance Technical Assistance 9982 13 Oct 2023 The Boston Consulting Group (India) Pvt. Ltd. (INDIA) | 14th Floor, Nariman Bhavan 227, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400021, India Asian Development Bank 500,000.00
Policy and Advisory Technical Assistance Technical Assistance 9982 26 Jan 2022 IQVIA Consulting and Information Services India Private Limited (INDIA) | Unit no 1031, 10th Floor, Hindustan times Building, K.G Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001 India Asian Development Bank 1,296,181.00
Policy and Advisory Technical Assistance 9982 28 Dec 2020 Brookings Institution (The)(UNITED STATES) | 1775 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, NW District o WASHINGTON DC 20036-2103 United States Asian Development Bank 120,000.00
Policy and Advisory Technical Assistance 9982 17 Aug 2020 Pricewaterhousecoopers Pvt. Ltd. (IND)(INDIA) | 8-2-624/A/1, 4th Floor, Road No.10, Banj Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500 034 India Asian Development Bank 401,654.00

Procurement Plan

None currently available.