Power System Expansion and Efficiency Improvement Investment Program - Tranche 3: Periodic Financing Request Report
Periodic Financing Request Reports
November 2015
Download(Free : 14 available)
- Periodic Financing Request Report (214.47 KB)
- Appendix 1: Periodic Financing Request from the Government of Bangladesh (2.68 MB)
- Appendix 2: Design and Monitoring Framework (Project 3) (86.34 KB)
- Appendix 3: Updated Contribution to ADB Results Framework (123.55 KB)
- Appendix 4: Project Administration Manual (Project 3) (964.22 KB)
- Appendix 7: Economic Analysis (tranche investments) (304.09 KB)
- Appendix 8: Financial Analysis (tranche investments) (350.33 KB)
- Appendix 9: Updated Summary of Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy (165.38 KB)
- Appendix 10: Environmental Impact Assessment: Output 1 (25.18 MB)
- Appendix 11: Initial Environmental Examination: Outputs 2 and 3 (3.71 MB)
- Appendix 12: Resettlement Plan (2.15 MB)
- Appendix 13: Updated Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (28.1 KB)
- Supplementary Appendix A: Financial Management Assessment (1.05 MB)
- Supplementary Appendix B: Project Climate Risk Assessment and Management Reporting Form (161.71 KB)
Periodic financing request reports summarize project financing requests.
This document dated November 2015 is provided for the ADB project 42378-017 in Bangladesh.