36304-013; Viet Nam; Type: Gender Action Plans
34318-013; Sri Lanka; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, Loan Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
33312-013; Micronesia, Federated States of; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, Loan Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
Cambodia; Type: Completion Reports, Implementation Completion Memorandum
39025-012; Regional; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
39354-012, 39354-022, 39354-032; Papua New Guinea; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
39354-012; Papua New Guinea; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
39354-012, 39354-022, 39354-032; Papua New Guinea; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
38075-012; Regional; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
36620-012, 36620-022; Regional; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
33307-023; Cambodia, China, People's Republic of, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam; Type: Combined Resettlement Plan and Indigenous Peoples Plans
39634-012; India; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
37188-013; Pakistan; Type: Gender Action Plans
39185-012; Regional; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
34442-013; Sri Lanka; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, Loan Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
35448-013; Micronesia, Federated States of; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, Loan Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
39631-013; Pakistan; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, Loan Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
38539-012, 38539-022, 38539-032, 38539-042; Regional; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
37402-012; Regional; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements
37402-012; Regional; Type: Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements, TA Change in Scope, Amount, and Implementation Arrangements