Vegetable Production and Irrigated Agriculture: Report and Recommendation of the President
Reports and Recommendations of the President
February 2020
The project will support the modernization of government-owned irrigation networks serving about 7,000 hectares (ha) of land. It will promote income and employment generation in rural areas where poverty is endemic. This will be achieved by diversification from traditional low-value grain crops into high-value vegetables. It will also build farmers’ capacity for climate-smart production and better water and irrigation management.
The report and recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors (RRP) document describes the terms and conditions of a project for consideration and approval by ADB's Board of Directors.
This document dated February 2020 is provided for the ADB project 51423-002 in Mongolia.
Linked Documents/Annexes
- Loan Agreement: Ordinary Operations
- Loan Agreement: Ordinary Operations (Concessional)
- Grant Agreement
- Sector Assessment (Summary): Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development
- Project Administration Manual
- Financial Analysis
- Economic Analysis
- Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy
- Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
- Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction Grant
- Climate Change Assessment
- Gender Action Plan
- Initial Environmental Examination
- Financial Management Assessment
- Irrigation Feasibility Study Report
- Vegetable Production Feasibility Study Report
- Asset Management and Operation and Maintenance Arrangements