Sustainable Energy Sector Reform Program - Subprogram 2: Report and Recommendation of the President
Reports and Recommendations of the President
November 2015
The report and recommendation of the President (RRP) document describes the terms and conditions of a project for consideration and approval by ADB.
This document dated November 2015 is provided for the ADB project 47015-002 in Pakistan.
Linked Documents/Annexes
- Loan Agreement
- Sector Assessment (Summary): Energy
- Contribution to the ADB Results Framework
- Development Coordination
- Economic Analysis
- Country Economic Indicators
- International Monetary Fund Assessment Letter
- Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy
- Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
- List of Ineligible Items
- Fiscal Analysis (available on request)
- Technical Memorandum (available on request)
- Fiduciary Risk Assessment (available on request)
- Circular Debt Impact on Power Sector Investment (available on request)