Sustainable Energy Sector Reform Program - Subprogram 2: Report and Recommendation of the President

Reports and Recommendations of the President | November 2015

The report and recommendation of the President (RRP) document describes the terms and conditions of a project for consideration and approval by ADB.

This document dated November 2015 is provided for the ADB project 47015-002 in Pakistan.

Linked Documents/Annexes
  1. Loan Agreement
  2. Sector Assessment (Summary): Energy
  3. Contribution to the ADB Results Framework
  4. Development Coordination
  5. Economic Analysis
  6. Country Economic Indicators
  7. International Monetary Fund Assessment Letter
  8. Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy
  9. Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
  10. List of Ineligible Items
  11. Fiscal Analysis (available on request)
  12. Technical Memorandum (available on request)
  13. Fiduciary Risk Assessment (available on request)
  14. Circular Debt Impact on Power Sector Investment (available on request)
Project Number