Local Governance Reform Project: Report and Recommendation of the President

Reports and Recommendations of the President | May 2020

The project will help the Government of the Philippines boost local government revenue mobilization to improve local public service delivery and strengthen local governance. The focus will be on improvements to the administration of the real property tax (RPT) and on management reforms. In particular, the project will (i) support institutional development and policy formulation for property valuation, (ii) implement a property tax valuation database and information systems, (iii) enhance the RPT administration for selected local government units (LGUs), and (iv) professionalize local assessors and strengthen the capacity of LGUs. The project complements the programmatic approach of the Local Governance Reform Program, which was approved in November 2019.

The report and recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors (RRP) document describes the terms and conditions of a project for consideration and approval by ADB's Board of Directors.

This document dated May 2020 is provided for the ADB project 52173-002 in the Philippines.