Human-Centered Design: Putting People at the Heart of Transport Infrastructure Planning

Documents Produced Under Grant/Loans/TA | January 2020

This brochure explains how Gui’an New District in Guizhou Province is applying human-centered design (HCD) principles in transport infrastructure planning.

ADB is helping the Government of the People’s Republic of China develop intelligent transport systems (ITS). In Gui’an New District, ITS aims to make public transport enticing for all. HCD was introduced to help understand people’s needs and reactions to new technologies such as ITS. HCD puts an emphasis on understanding both explicit and latent user needs.

Documents produced under projects are material produced in the course of the project, or as outputs.

This document dated January 2020 is provided for the ADB project 51366-001 in the People's Republic of China.

See also: Human-centered design: Putting people at the heart of urban transport infrastructure planning