Establishing a Platform for Climate-Resilient and Low-Carbon Urban Development: Guidance Note on Climate-Informed Urban Governance

Consultants' Reports | June 2023

This Guidance Note is part of a series developed to provide city governments from Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) developing member countries (DMC's) with access to guidance, methodologies, and tools on pursuing low-carbon and climate resilient urban development. Access to these kinds of resources can help cities to better assess, identify, and develop climate actions that can contribute to the achievement of nationally determined contributions (NDC's). This guideline is part of a wider initiative to provide technical resources that can support cities in the Asia and the Pacific region to scale up climate actions in pursuing climate-resilient and low-carbon urban development. This guideline is intended to support city governments improve urban governance in the context of changing climate and enhance the ability of city governments to move toward achieving green resilient and sustainable urban development.

Consultants' reports describe activities by a consultant or group of consultants related to preparing a technical assistance project.

This document dated June 2023 is provided for the ADB regional project 52304-001.

Project Number