Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridors 2, 5, and 6 (Dushanbe-Kurgonteppa) Road Project - Additional Financing: Report and Recommendation of the President

Reports and Recommendations of the President | March 2018

The additional financing will support an increase in the scope of the current project by constructing a 40-kilometer (km) road section connecting Chashmasoron to Kurgonteppa in Khatlon Province, improving safety on priority sections of the national highway network, and continuing to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Transport. The overall project will improve the connectivity between the capital Dushanbe and Kurgonteppa, which are two major cities and economic hubs in Tajikistan, and enhance the safety of the national highway network.

The report and recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors (RRP) document describes the terms and conditions of a project for consideration and approval by ADB's Board of Directors.

This document dated March 2018 is provided for the ADB projects 49042-004 and 49042-005 in Tajikistan.