Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridors 2, 3, and 5 (Obigarm-Nurobod) Road Project: Report and Recommendation of the President
The project will improve connectivity and safety along the Obigarm–Nurobod road by (i) constructing about 30 kilometers (km) of climate-resilient, two-lane highway between Obigarm and Tagikamar and about 30 km of all-weather village access roads, and increasing road safety awareness; (ii) strengthening the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Transport (MOT) on road asset management; and (iii) enhancing women’s access to economic opportunities. The project expands efforts of ADB and other development partners to upgrade the country’s national highway network along key economic corridors. It will enhance inclusive economic growth and regional connectivity.
The report and recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors (RRP) document describes the terms and conditions of a project for consideration and approval by ADB's Board of Directors.
This document dated November 2019 is provided for the ADB project 52042-001 in Tajikistan.
Linked Documents/Annexes
- Grant Agreement
- Sector Assessment (Summary): Transport (Road Transport [Nonurban])
- Project Administration Manual
- Economic and Financial Analysis
- Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy
- Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
- Climate Change Assessment
- Gender Action Plan
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Resettlement Plan
- Stakeholder Engagement Plan
- Road Asset Management Road Map