Economic Recovery Support Program: Report and Recommendation of the President
Reports and Recommendations of the President
October 2021
The program will help Tonga restore and accelerate inclusive growth, which has been adversely affected by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The program aims to achieve this by (i) strengthening fiscal management, (ii) improving the enabling environment for the private sector, and (iii) enhancing human resource management.
The report and recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors (RRP) document describes the terms and conditions of a project for consideration and approval by ADB's Board of Directors.
This document dated October 2021 is provided for the ADB project 55016-001 in Tonga.
Linked Documents/Annexes
- Grant Agreement
- Sector Assessment (Summary): Public Sector Management
- Contribution to Strategy 2030 Operational Priorities
- Development Coordination
- International Monetary Fund Assessment Letter
- Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy
- Program Impact Assessment
- Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
- List of Ineligible Items
- Overview of Policy Reform Actions, 2009–2021 [Withheld from Public Disclosure in accordance with the Access to Information Policy (para. 17, 2)]