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Sweden is a founding member of ADB. It has provided $484.61 million in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $535.66 million to ADB’s special funds since becoming a member.
ADB has been a major source of external assistance to Bangladesh, providing an average of $2 billion per year since 2016.
The Netherlands is a founding member of ADB. It has provided $1.46 billion in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $822.6 million to ADB’s special funds since becoming a member.
The United Kingdom is a founding member of ADB. It has provided $2.91 billion in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $1.94 billion to ADB’s special funds since becoming a member.
Belgium is a founding member of ADB. It has provided $484.61 million in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $268.68 million to ADB’s special funds since becoming a member.
France joined ADB in 1970. It has provided $3.31 billion in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $1.52 billion to ADB’s special funds since becoming a member.
Italy is a founding member of ADB. It has provided $2.57 billion in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $1.29 billion to ADB’s special funds since becoming a member.
Portugal joined ADB in 2002. It has provided $484.61 million in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $96.21 million to ADB’s special funds since becoming a member.
Switzerland joined ADB in 1967. It has provided $831.16 million in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $449.91 million to ADB’s special funds since becoming a member.
Spain joined ADB in 1986. It has provided $484.61 million in capital subscription to ADB. It has also contributed and committed $518.68 million to ADB’s special funds since becoming a member.