Climate Action South Asia: Information Update No. 5 (Assessing the Costs of Climate Change and Adaptation in South Asia)
Publication | June 2014
This issue describes an ADB study that examined the economic costs of climate change to the region over the range of climate change conditions expected in the future.
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Climate change will affect South Asia more than most other regions. South Asia’s weather is likely to become hotter than the global average, while monsoon rains and heavy storms will increase in most parts of the region. As well, the mountainous countries face increased flooding and landslides, while the coastal countries of the region are likely to be partly inundated by sea-level rise.
Additional Details
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- Climate Change in South Asia: Strong Responses for Building a Sustainable Future
- Climate Change
- Assessing the Costs of Climate Change and Adaptation in South Asia
- Building Climate Change Resilience for Asia's Urban Poor
- Book Launch of Assessing the Costs of Climate Change and Adaptation in South Asia
Also in this Series
- Climate Action South Asia: Information Update No. 4 (Addressing Climate Risks in Development Interventions)
- Climate Action South Asia: Information Update No. 3 (The Economics of Climate Change in South Asia)
- Climate Action South Asia: Information Update No. 2 (Economics of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in South Asia)