Publications and Documents
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This paper develops an alternative and more comprehensive framework for decomposing the gender earnings gap into across-occupation and within-occupation factors.
This paper discusses benefits that Asian economies can derive from a broader Millennium Round of discussions and explores issues beyond agriculture and services that can be addressed.
This paper outlines an expanded and more challenging role for multilateral development banks in the provision of longer term development finance.
This paper analyzes the structure and system of taxation in Viet Nam at the present stage of reform and concludes that the achievements of the country's tax reforms have been mixed.
This paper attempts to assess the distributive impact of the economic adjustment program in India. It begins by discussing the analytical complexities of disentangling the impact of reforms from that of other autonomous developments in the economy. It then goes on to isolate and analyze the main cause-effect linkages between adjustment and distribution.
This paper focuses on the the institutional and policy aspects of the Philippine Transport Strategy Study approach, its methodology, and the resulting broad conclusions.
This paper analyzes the rural–urban transition process in Viet Nam and future prospects. It also outlines strategies for harmonious rural–urban transition in three different regions of the country.
This paper investigates on macroeconomic factors affecting private investment in South Pacific developing member countries of Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Western Samoa.
The paper investigates the relationship between growth and structural change in the economy and their implications on poverty alleviation.
This paper highlights that the quality of governance, not the type of political regime, seems to be associated with the differences in socioeconomic development among Asian countries.