Data and Statistics

Data and statistical analysis in the Asia and Pacific region contribute to knowledge generation in ADB, helping strengthen its institutional priorities and operational effectiveness in its developing member economies.

Economic Research

ADB analyzes economic and development issues in the Asia and Pacific's developing economies through its flagship publication - the Asian Development Outlook (ADO) series. Research on East Asian local currency bond markets, economic integration, and economic working papers are also available.

Selected economic indicators for ADB's 45 developing member economies. The data are standardized to the degree possible to allow comparability over time and across economies, but differences in statistical methodology, definitions, coverage, and practices make full comparability impossible. Historical data are obtained from official sources, statistical publications, and databases, as well as the documents of ADB, the IMF, and the World Bank.

Projections are generally ADB estimates made on the bases of available quarterly or monthly data, though some projections are from governments.

Economic Research Resources

Asia Bond Monitor

Examines the outlook, risks, and policy options for East Asian local currency bond markets, which enable governments to raise capital to invest in infrastructure.

Asian Development Outlook

Analyzes economic and development issues in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific, including forecasted inflation and GDP growth rates of countries throughout the region.

Asian Development Review

Professional journals that present expertise and analysis on economics, social development, poverty and other issues in Asia and the Pacific.

Asian Economic Integration Report

Reviews the progress of Asian governments' efforts to integrate their economies and improve cooperation on a variety of levels.

Basic Statistics

Presents data on selected social, economic, and SDG indicators such as population, poverty, annual GDP growth rate, inflation, and government finance for economies in Asia and the Pacific.

Economics Working Papers

Forum for stimulating discussion on research and policy studies that deal with economic and development problems facing the Asia and Pacific region.

Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific

Presents data on the economic, financial, social, and environmental situations in a broad range of countries across Asia and the Pacific.

Regional Economic Integration Working Papers

Focuses on how countries and economies in Asia and the Pacific are working together in the areas of infrastructure and software; trade and investment; money and finance; and regional public goods.

Economic Indicators: Input-Output Tables

Ongoing compilation of a multi-regional input-output (MRIO) database that augments the World Input-Output Database with economies in Asia and the Pacific.

Multi-regional Input-Output Database

The complete set of tables used in producing the MRIO series, compiled and provided to ADB's partner researchers to facilitate the production and analysis of global value chain-related statistics for 25 economies in the region.

International Comparison Program (ICP) for Asia and the Pacific

ADB collaborates with the World Bank in the ICP to provide accurate and comparable price and volume measures of national accounts aggregates for the program’s Asia and the Pacific component.

Asia Regional Integration Center (ARIC)

Asia Regional Integration Center (ARIC)

ARIC disseminates the latest information and shares insights on regional cooperation and integration in the Asia and the Pacific.



A one-stop source of information on bond markets in emerging East Asia.

 ADB Research in Action

Asian Impact: ADB Research in Action

Asian Impact is a webinar series that showcases ADB’s research work and informs debate on critical policy issues in Asia. ADB experts, noted academics, frontline policy makers, and others will provide their insights through engaging panel discussions and stimulating research seminars. Join us for an evidence-based exploration of Asia’s continuing economic transformation and the risks that the region faces.

Who is the series for

This series is primarily for policy makers in Asia and the Pacific; researchers from universities and think tanks; members of the international development community as well as anyone with an interest in the topic.

Data on Development Issues

  • Mobilizing Taxes for Development

    Mobilizing Taxes for Development

    The region’s economies urgently need to mobilize fiscal resources to restore the health of public finances and build a more inclusive and sustainable future. Opportunities to strengthen revenue will depend on specific circumstances, but more efficient value-added tax and better-optimized tax incentives hold promise for many economies.

    Source: Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2022

  • The Cost of COVID-19 School Closures by Gender and Wealth

    The Cost of COVID-19 School Closures

    School closures during the COVID-19 pandemic led to losses equivalent to over half a year’s worth of learning. This forgone learning will hamper students’ ability to earn income in the future. Poor students and girls were hit harder. Inequality in learning and earning losses will grow unless investments are made to promote equality of access.

    Source: Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2022

  • Wellness in Worrying Times

    Wellness in Worrying Times

    Physical and mental health is vital to post-pandemic recovery. The theme chapter for ADB's ADO 2020 Update explores wellness, or the deliberate pursuit of activities that bring holistic health.

    Source: Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2020 Update

  • Fostering Growth and Inclusion in Asia’s Cities

    Fostering Growth and Inclusion in Asia’s Cities

    Urban inhabitants in developing Asia has increased to 1.84 billion in 2017 and is projected to rise by 64% in 2050. Growth of cities requires a holistic agenda on environment, social services, infrastructure, and transport.

    Source: Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2019 Update

  • Strengthening Disaster Resilience

    Strengthening Disaster Resilience

    Disaster risk and costs are rising, and Asia is particularly vulnerable. Suitable policy interventions are required to keep disaster losses from spiraling into the future and across the region. Managing disaster risk can enhance equity, resilience, and sustainability.

    Source: Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2019

  • Trade Conflict Effects

    Trade Conflict Effects

    Based on the working paper The Impact of Trade Conflict on Developing Asia, this tool estimates the effects of tariffs on gross domestic product, exports, and employment across Asia and the Pacific countries following the growing trade battle between the United States and People's Republic of China.

    Source: The Impact of Trade Conflict on Developing Asia