Funds and Resources

ADB offers loans, grants, and technical assistance from Special Funds, Trust Funds, and other sources to help reduce poverty in Asia’s poorest countries.

Asian Clean Energy Fund

What is the fund?

The Asian Clean Energy Fund was established by Japan as part of its initiative of Enhanced Sustainable Development for Asia. It is part of the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility.

What are the priorities?

Priority will be given to activities that will be implemented in cooperation with Japanese aid agencies, as the part of the first pillar of the initiative entitled Enhanced Sustainable Development for Asia.

What kinds of activities are eligible for the fund?

The fund supports efforts of developing member countries towards reducing greenhouse gases through utilization of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

Who is eligible to receive the fund?

All ADB developing member countries are eligible to receive support from the fund.

Who supports the fund?

Japan supports the fund.