Funds and Resources

ADB offers loans, grants, and technical assistance from Special Funds, Trust Funds, and other sources to help reduce poverty in Asia’s poorest countries.

Asia-Pacific Climate Finance Fund

What is the fund?

The Asia-Pacific Climate Finance Fund is a multi-donor trust fund established in April 2017. The objective of the fund is to support the development and implementation of financial risk management products that can help unlock capital for climate investments and improve resilience to the impact of climate change.

What are the priorities

The proposed fund will support the development and implementation of financial risk management products as part of existing and future climate-related projects that would benefit from the provision of such products. Emphasis will be on financial risk management products that have been proven elsewhere, but are not yet widely commercially available in ADB's developing member countries (DMCs).

What kind of activities are eligible for the fund?

ACliFF supports the development and implementation of innovative, scalable, and commercially viable financial risk management products that increase investments in climate change mitigation, adaptation, and disaster risk management in ADB’s DMCs.

ACliFF supports financial risk management products that work on achieving at least one of the following objectives:

Supporting climate technologies

Supporting climate technologies.
Accelerating the uptake and financing of climate technologies through products that transfer initial technology and performance-related risks.

Scaling up private sector climate financing

Scaling up private sector climate financing.
Managing the risks associated with the initial deployment of new and innovative financing models.

Promoting climate-sensitive sector investment

Promoting climate-sensitive sector investment.
Responding to the need to accelerate investment in climate change adaptation, and in the strengthening of resilience in response to slow-onset climate-related risks.

Addressing extreme weather events

Addressing extreme weather events.
Improving resilience to the impacts of climate-related disasters, particularly for vulnerable and low-income populations, such as through disaster insurance for city governments to improve financial preparedness for disaster response, and support to V20 Sustainable Insurance Facility’s design of disaster insurance solutions for MSMEs.

Who supports the fund?

ACliFF is an ADB-managed, multi-donor trust fund established with the Government of Germany as its first financing partner. Financial risk management products supported by the fund can be implemented alongside both ADB and third-party climate and development projects.

ACliFF Trust Fund

ADB’s Strategy 2030 prioritizes tackling climate change, building resilience to climate change and disasters, and enhancing environmental sustainability. Working with project partners and the insurance and financial industries, ACliFF will give ADB and third-party projects the leverage to accelerate the adoption and implementation of financial risk management products that scale-up climate investment.

Who is eligible to receive from the fund?

All ADB DMCs are eligible for financing from the fund.