Funds and Resources
ADB offers loans, grants, and technical assistance from Special Funds, Trust Funds, and other sources to help reduce poverty in Asia’s poorest countries.
The Financial Sector Development Partnership Special Fund is aimed at strengthening regional, subregional, and national financial systems in Asia and the Pacific. The special fund was established in December 2013 to support the activities of the Financial Sector Development Partnership Fund, which was established six years prior.
Selection of project proposals under the fund should be consistent with the financial sector operational plan objectives and country partnership strategies of the relevant developing member countries. The fund will provide assistance in the form of untied grants for components of investment projects; and technical assistance projects.
Eligible activities will be closely aligned with the five themes and subsectors under the Financial Sector Operational Plan, including:
Activities to improve the general investment climate, such as (i) improving the general legal and regulatory framework, (ii) strengthening governance, and (iii) enhancing administrative capacity, are also eligible as in the original objective and scope of the Financial Sector Development Partnership Fund.
See all projects cofinanced by this fund.
All ADB developing member countries are eligible to receive support from the fund.
ADB and Luxembourg support the fund.