Status: Closed
Integrated Disaster Risk Management Fund
What is the fund?
The Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) Fund was established by ADB in 2013 and supported by the Government of Canada as a resource to assist the development of regional IDRM solutions in line with the disaster risk management priorities of ADB's Southeast Asia developing member countries (DMCs), i.e., Cambodia, Indonesia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
What are the priorities of the IDRM Fund?
The IDRM Fund will support projects that are
- regional in nature and focuses on issues that require cross-border disaster risk management (DRM) efforts;
- aligned with regional DRM priorities of Southeast Asia DMCs;
- introduces innovative solutions;
- promotes community-based, gender-focused, and socially inclusive interventions on DRM; and
- supports stronger engagement with civil society and the private sector.
What kind of activities will be financed from the fund?
Following are indicative activities that may qualify for IDRM Fund support:
- Risk identification and analysis: Development of common risk information infrastructure for use by DMCs; aggregation of existing data on hazard, vulnerability, exposure, and capacity; risk profiling; and survey of existing loss models and development of new models, to ensure DMCs access to regional risk models for disaster risk finance and other IDRM applications.
- Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: Design of large-scale disaster risk reduction/climate change adaptation interventions, especially in the context of urban (re)development, risk-sensitive land use planning; research and development of incentives linking disaster risk reduction progress to disaster risk finance investments; and policy analysis to strengthen fiscal and legislative support for IDRM.
- Disaster risk financing: Design and testing of regional risk pooling mechanisms and incentive structures to encourage investment in IDRM; design and initiation of new disaster risk financing solutions, including micro-insurance and other insurance for the poor; design of measures to increase competitiveness and health of insurance markets; development and testing of public–private partnership models for disaster risk finance; and support for regulatory reforms to allow open and transparent risk transfer.
- Community-based and gender-focused IDRM: Peer-to-peer learning among grassroots organizations, women's groups, and other civil society organizations on community-based disaster risk management; and Investment in regional and trans-boundary community-based DRM applications related to disaster awareness, education, needs assessment, and early warning systems.
- Regional cooperation on IDRM: Partnering with regional organizations to advance IDRM applications.
- Knowledge and tools for IDRM: Awareness raising and capacity development for policy makers and key stakeholders on IDRM, with particular attention to inclusiveness and gender equality; dissemination of project results and lessons to stakeholders; and development of indicators to better track capacity development and cost and benefits of IDRM initiatives with the region.
How to apply for the IDRM Fund?
Institutions and organizations eligible to apply for projects are:
- Government agencies in ADB’s DMCs in Southeast Asia;
- Development partners, civil society organizations, regional and subregional institutions operating in Southeast Asia; and
- Relevant departments of ADB.
Proposal requirements
- Project proposals should be regional in nature and cover 3 or more of ADB's DMCs in Southeast Asia;
- Objectives of the proposal should be consistent with (i) priorities of IDRM Fund, (ii) regional disaster risk management priorities of Southeast Asia DMCs, (iii) objectives of ADB's country partnership strategy and results framework in each participating country, and (iv) objectives of ADB's Disaster and Emergency Assistance Policy; and
- Projects that can be implemented in a period of less than 3 years.
Application process
- Send email to the IDRM Fund Manager. The email should provide brief description of your project concept and rationale on how the concept matches with the priorities of the IDRM Fund.
- If your project concept matches the eligibility criteria and priorities of IDRM Fund, the IDRM Fund Manager will identify an ADB officer to serve as a sponsor.
- You will work under the guidance of the sponsor to detail the project concept using standard format of ADB concept paper.
- Once the concept paper is finalized, it is attached to the project application form, which is submitted by the sponsor to IDRM Fund Manager. The application form should reach the IDRM Fund Manager before or on due dates for application. Due dates for application will be (i) 31 January, (ii) 30 April, (iii) 31 July, and (iv) 31 October.
- Applications will be reviewed in batches. The deadline for the first batch of application is 31 July 2013.
- Applicant will be informed of the outcome of the project evaluation process.
Who supports the fund?
Canada supports the fund.