ADB is helping Cambodia achieve its Vision 2050 to become a high-income country through economic diversification, human development, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) provides critical insights into how Southeast Asian countries can improve learning outcomes. By focusing on foundational skills, leveraging assessment data, and empowering educators, they can make significant progress.
International cooperation among tax authorities has become a critical component of modern tax administration, particularly in strengthening domestic revenue mobilization and combating the illicit flow of financial transactions.
ADB’s new partnership strategy for 2024–2028 closely is aligned with the national strategy for the same period, placing emphasis on Prosperity, People, and the Planet, succinctly capturing the country’s most pressing needs.
Extreme heat poses significant threats to health and economies, disproportionately affecting poor and vulnerable women. The United Nation's Call to Action underscores the need for gender-responsive measures, including early warning systems, parametric heat insurance, and sustainable cooling technologies.
ADB is helping Cambodia achieve its Vision 2050 to become a high-income country through economic diversification, human development, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. ADB is one of the country’s largest sources of official development assistance, with average annual lending of $368.3 million in 2018–2022. The bank’s support is aligned with Cambodia’s National Strategic Development Plan, 2019–2023 and Strategic Framework and Programs for Economic Recovery in the Context of Living with COVID-19 in a New Normal, 2021–2023.
To date, ADB has committed 331 public sector loans, grants, and technical assistance totaling $4.6 billion to Cambodia.
Level 10, Vattanac Capital, 66 Preah Monivong Blvd (93), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
The Cambodia Resident Mission (CARM), located in Phnom Penh, was established in December 1996. As ADB's principal representative in Cambodia, CARM's primary responsibilities include:
CARM will be closed on these dates:
Last updated: 14 November 2023