ADB focuses on results management in its operations, improving the capacities of its developing member countries, and contributing to the global agenda on aid effectiveness.
Results achieved are aggregate amounts of outputs and outcomes from operations reported in project completion reports and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.
25,181,929 tCO2: The avoided CO2 equivalent emission as a result of a clean energy project or component of a project. Projects with CO2 emission reduction include renewable energy generation, energy efficiency projects in supply and demand side, and use of cleaner fuels such as natural gas in place of coal or oil.
tC02-equiv/yr = tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.
4 TWH: Annual energy savings is the sum of electricity and fuel savings, after converting fuel savings in terrajoules to terawatt-hour equivalent per year. Energy saved is the energy savings resulting from a project or component of a project that involves efficiency improvements in energy use.
5,822,451: Number of new households given electricity connection.
3,928,834: Number of new rural households given electricity connection.
1,893,617: Number of new urban households given electricity connection.
22,212 MW: Aggregated additional capacity in megawatts (MW) resulting from generation projects using conventional and renewable energy sources.
7,013 MW: Aggregated additional capacity in megawatts (MW) resulting from generation projects using renewable energy sources.
13,585 kilometers: Length of power, gas, and oil transmission lines (ground distance in kilometers). For power transmission lines, this should be the simple distance from tower A to tower B and not the circuit-kilometer.
110,538 kilometers: Length of the distribution network of lines or pipes installed and/or upgraded in kilometers, aggregating: (i) power distribution lines installed or upgraded, generally at 110 kilovolts or lower; (ii) district heating network pipes installed or upgraded; and (iii) urban gas supply network pipes installed or upgraded.
148,785,943 average daily vehicle-kilometers: Traffic benefiting from built or upgraded roads in the year after project completion. Vehicles are buses, trucks, minivans, cars, motorcycles, and other motorized means of conveyance, depending on the country and location. Daily vehicle-kilometers is to be calculated by adding all distances in kilometers traveled by all types of vehicles in a day on roads built or upgraded.
25,937,061 average daily ton-kilometers: Railway freight benefiting from built or upgraded railway in the year after project completion. Ton-kilometer is often based on data provided by the railway company, as revenues are typically collected on this basis. If this is not available then daily ton-kilometer is calculated by multiplying the daily freight tons carried by the average number of kilometers hauled. The indicator excludes urban rail.
107,917 kilometers: Length of expressways and national highways (i.e., fully access-controlled roadways) and provincial, district, and rural road networks (i.e., roads without full access control) built or upgraded, expressed in kilometers.
16,156 kilometers: Expressways and national highways built or upgraded (kilometers)
83,960 kilometers: Provincial, district, and rural road networks built or upgraded (kilometers)
86,618 kilometers: Length of rural road networks built or upgraded (kilometers)
11,609 kilometers: Length of urban road networks built or upgraded (kilometers)
2,744 kilometers: Length of railway tracks built or upgraded in kilometers (double tracks do not count twice). Railways refer to intercity and/or regional rail infrastructure.
8,983,601: All additional households that benefit from projects offering piped or non-piped water supply systems that are of a higher order than the system that the households used before (non-piped supply may include standpipes), and households that are already connected to a piped system but are provided with improved service, e.g., longer hours of service and/or increased pressure.
2,530,821: All additional rural households that benefit from projects offering piped or non-piped water supply systems that are of a higher order than the system that the households used before (non-piped supply may include standpipes), and households that are already connected to a piped system but are provided with improved service, e.g., longer hours of service and/or increased pressure.
6,444,980: All additional urban households that benefit from projects offering piped or non-piped water supply systems that are of a higher order than the system that the households used before (non-piped supply may include standpipes), and households that are already connected to a piped system but are provided with improved service, e.g., longer hours of service and/or increased pressure.
5,435,402: All additional households that benefit from projects offering a variety of sanitation systems to households that either did not benefit from sanitation systems before or benefit from systems of lesser order, and households that are already benefiting from sanitation services but are provided with improved service, e.g., sewer connection, septic tank, pour-flush, simple pit latrine, or ventilated improved pit latrine.
4,815,764 meters3 per day: Maximum cubic meters of wastewater intake per day at the new or improved treatment plant, excluding waste treatment capacity of septic tanks and the removal of the waste.
42,837 kilometers: All sizes of new and repaired or upgraded pipes intended to transport water for urban water use for domestic and nonagricultural business purposes, expressed as their aggregate length in the network, irrespective of pipe diameter, comprising mains as well as reticulation pipes.
20,612,058 hectares: Land area improved through any new or improved: (i) irrigation, (ii) drainage services, and (iii) flood management works.
15,584,002: Number of rural and urban households protected from flood risks through (i) urban projects that include flood management components, (ii) irrigation and water resources development projects that include flood management components, and (iii) stand-alone flood management projects.
9,974,734: The number of end borrowers; or, if not available, the number or estimate of microfinance loan accounts opened (regardless of amount in currency) over the course of the project. All those reached by microfinance lending or saving group activities of the project are counted, including participants in self-help groups. The definition of microfinance follows country conventions.
5,830,428: The number of end borrowers; or, if not available, the number or estimate of microfinance loan accounts opened (regardless of amount in currency) over the course of the project. All those reached by microfinance lending or saving group activities of the project are counted, including participants in self-help groups. The definition of microfinance follows country conventions.
1,137,143: The number of end borrowers; or, if not available, the number or estimate of microfinance loan accounts opened (regardless of amount in currency) over the course of the project. All those reached by microfinance lending or saving group activities of the project are counted, including participants in self-help groups. The definition of microfinance follows country conventions.
1,452,009: Preferably number of end borrowers, but if not available, the number of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) loan accounts opened (regardless of amount) over the course of the project. The calculation does not include equity operations for SMEs. The definition of SMEs follows the definition generally used in the country of the project.
27,088,123: Total number of students benefiting from new or upgraded physical educational facilities.
13,557,492: Total number of female students benefiting from new or upgraded physical educational facilities.
13,522,176: Total number of male students benefiting from new or upgraded physical educational facilities.
47,527,953: Total number of students benefiting from improved quality assurance systems under the projects.
24,267,092: Total number of female students benefiting from improved quality assurance systems under the projects.
23,214,686: Total number of male students benefiting from improved quality assurance systems under the projects.
1,605,380: Total number of students benefiting from improved quality assurance systems under the projects (TVET).
2,633,472: Number of teachers trained who are likely to improve teaching practices and support improvements in curriculum, textbooks, or pedagogy.
1,018,835: Number of female teachers trained who are likely to improve teaching practices and support improvements in curriculum, textbooks, or pedagogy.
1,609,231: Number of male teachers trained who are likely to improve teaching practices and support improvements in curriculum, textbooks, or pedagogy.
18,185: Number of teachers trained who are likely to improve teaching practices and support improvements in curriculum, textbooks, or pedagogy, as part of technical and vocational education and training (TVET), under the projects.
TVET = technical and vocational education and training.
16,927 GWH/year: Cross-border electricity, in GWh, transmitted annually based on PCRs circulated during the year. Achieved outputs of operations with the thematic classification of regional cooperation and integration are counted.
79,720,359 tons/year: Volume of cargo that crossed borders that are facilitated by ADB operations contributing to regional connectivity. Such operations may include regional road construction and rehabilitation, and border infrastructure and systems improvement.
Note: Results achieved are aggregate amounts of outputs and outcomes from operations reported in project completion reports and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.
Sources: ADB project and/or program completion reports issued in 2010-2018, staff estimates, and ADB Strategy and Policy Department.