The ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) offers about 135 graduate scholarships a year for studies in economics, business and management, science and technology, and other development-related fields.
The ADB-JSP provides:
For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be available for thesis preparation. In special circumstances, computer literacy, preparatory language and other similar courses may be covered under the scholarship.
Agriculture, Biological Science, Computer Science, Energy, Engineering, Environment, Forestry, Genetics, and Health
Accounting, Business Administration/Management, Commerce, E-Business, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Finance, International Cooperation, and Social Sciences
Asia Pacific Studies, Development Management, and Development Studies
International Business Law, International Environmental Law, Policy Studies, Political Science, Public Administration, and Public Policy
1. Applicant requests for information and application forms from the chosen partner institution
2. Applicant completes required documents[1] for application including ADB-JSP information sheet
3. Applicant sends documents to institution[2]
4. Institution evaluates and decides on admission and applicant
5. Institution sends shortlist of candidates to ADB[3]
6. ADB reviews submission from institutions
7. ADB recommends awardees based on its selection criteria to the Japanese executive director for approval
8. ADB selects scholars and informs institution
9. Institution informs all scholars
The JASAA is an organization composed of alumni from ADB's developing member countries who were awarded and completed their scholarships under ADB-Japan Scholarship Program.
The Internship Program is a project-oriented learning opportunity for graduate students to gain experience through research assignments based on ADB's current operational needs.
The YPP is an entry-level recruitment program to attract highly qualified and motivated individuals to ADB, providing the foundation for a challenging and rewarding professional career in an international development environment.
ADB needs highly qualified, experienced, dedicated, and motivated staff with a varied mix of operational and technical skills. As an ADB employee, you'll have the opportunity to work with professionals from 59 of ADB's 67 members at our Manila headquarters or in one of our 29 field offices.